I Move Like They Do

Okay, okay, enough with the references. But seriously, this game is awesome. It’s amazing how even with the entire world in slow motion, the gameplay still feels as frantic as it does. Bursts of speed combined with the agonizingly slow-moving bullets makes for a teeth-grittingly tense shooter. But it kinda plays like a puzzle game as well, as you’re always trying to stay one step ahead at the very least. It’s strangely methodical in its gameplay. Superhot. The game where “time only moves when you do”-ish. Time actually does move if you stand still or move your mouse, just so… [Continue Reading]

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Refunct is, by design, simple. Astonishingly so. But that’s all it needs to be in order to be fun. It’s a first-person 3D platformer at its most pure. The objective of the game? Colour everything in and bring the world to life. It’s a giant blank colouring book you can freerun in. What’s not to love? The red beacon leads to a big red button, which when you step on it, reveals more white squares and another button… And another button… And another- But the game is happy to let you loose in the world and let you go where… [Continue Reading]

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Soul Searching

Dark Souls was hailed as the return of the hard-as-nails, but rewarding single player experience. Harkening back to a time where games would be developed to be hard as hell as to pad out game time, due to storage space limitations. I remember the hype everyone got wrapped up in upon its release, the endless praise it received. I had also grown tired of the relentless, insistent, hand holding that had started smothering games. Power fantasies are great and all, but being a nigh-indestructible killing machine loses its edge pretty quickly. Occasionally, we like to have our teeth kicked in… [Continue Reading]

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Malicious Multiplayer

Rainbow Six Siege is a game I picked up on the promise of tactical, slow-paced gameplay and then I sold it for lying. But I’ll save my quarrels with its gameplay for another time, because instead I wanted to focus on a few things that curse multiplayer titles in general, and Siege is the perfect scapegoat for demonstrating those points. So without further ado~ Player Visibility and Colour Simply put, a player should NEVER fade into the environment. They should pop against their background, but with more games leaning towards the duller, realistic washed out colour palettes, this becomes an… [Continue Reading]

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Handgun Safety Course Simulator

With games only getting bigger and more refined as the years go by, it’s unsurprising we’ve gotten used to certain luxuries always showing up in our games. Taken for granted. Reloading is one of those. We press a button and our in-game avatar reloads their weapon perfectly each time. But Receiver is the game where that convenience goes to die. Each part of the gun is operated using different keys, meaning being able to reload efficiently is half the battle. For some, to reload at all. “Pffft… How hard could it be?” You retort, arms folded confidently, perhaps an eyebrow… [Continue Reading]

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Cumbersome Rounds

I still haven’t beaten this game, but it’s a damn lot of fun. Essentially, it’s a procedurally generated rougelike (a bunch of words I usually avoid like the plague) twitch-shooter (two words I’m very much fond of!) and strangely, they go together pretty well! You’re simply dumped in the game with one objective: “Reset the mainframe.” Unfortunately, the electrician who installed it left it behind eight rooms of deadly enemies and two bosses. Bloody typical. Edit: I went into the game to get a screenshot of Level 1 and forgot I was at Level 4. I then continued and won… [Continue Reading]

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Grapple Goodness

There’s one complaint I hear more than any other: “Man, I wish there was a game where you could play a gooey space blob, that flies around the stars by latching itself onto magical floating platforms and also sticks to them in order to reach a black hole at the end.” Well… As oddly specific as that wish is, today I’d like to show you a game that FINALLY caters to you poor space-blobless souls! Grapple, a 3D puzzle platformer where you swing around a lot. Like Spiderman, minus the brooding and angst. The goal is simple, reach the black… [Continue Reading]

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Deleted Scenes

What a strange beast Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes is… A single player game shaped from the success of an exclusively multiplayer phenomenon, trying to walk in the original Call of Duty’s footsteps. Bungled from Valve, to Ritual Entertainment, to Gearbox and finally a mix of the three resulted in Counter-Strike’s single player debut. The world unanimously came together, and after much thought, finally came to an unprecedented agreement amongst both gamers and critics, that it was completely and utterly~! Mediocre… As well as being automatically outdated by other titles upon release as it was finally kicked out the door… [Continue Reading]

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Toybox Tinker!

I didn’t grow up with the N64… I remember briefly playing GoldenEye 007 and Pokemon Snap on it for about 10 minutes each one time. That’s pretty much the extent of my time with it. So when I was older, I felt annoyed I’d missed out on the golden age of 3D platformers that Banjo-Kazooie had led the charge with. I’d dabbled in a lot of 3D platformers from the PS1/2 but rarely finished them as the games (and the system I played them on) didn’t belong to me and would often be sold or traded before I could. But… [Continue Reading]

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Okay, seriously, it’s not a bad game. But I don’t like it and (again) that title was too damn good to pass up. Think of this as an extension to Medic’s article except written by someone far less competent. I wanted to like Overwatch, really, I did. (Lower your damn pitchforks!) I tried the beta, which for some reason would cause my router to crash and freeze every time I launched it, forcing me to play it offline. Even when it was in a playable state in the free trial after the full game came out, I tried to ignore my… [Continue Reading]

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