Youtube’s New UI is Annoying as fuck

I know I literally wrote an article the other day on a similar premise, but holy fuck Youtube what are you doing? Sure, Youtube had had some pretty bad UI changes in the past, but what the hell am I looking at? What is going on? Look at this mess. The comments are all squished to one side, the title is squished to one side and the recommendations both have hideous rounded corners (way, way too rounded, considering that the main video has square corners) and the thumbnails are fucking massive. The layout looks like Twitch but worse. All the… [Continue Reading]

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Interaction Design and the User Experience

Don’t mind me. Just summarizing what I’ve been learning lately. But I feel a LOT of this could be applied to gaming, so maybe it might interest you as well. Interaction design focuses on how people use and work with devices and other products, such as computers and smartphones, but also how they work with interfaces in general, such as that of smart watches and ATMs, anything with an interface. The context of interaction design is on users, activities and environments, with users focusing on physical, sensory and cognitive capabilities, while environments include not just location, but also the setting,… [Continue Reading]

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The Newish League of Legends Look

Over the last few months or so, Riot has finally finished working on the new look for the League of Legends client, and it’s now finally the main client, with the old one going bye-bye forever. Really, it was about time, as the old client was a mess of bugs and weird glitches and was just a little bit outdated. Plus it used Adobe AIR, which is a massive pile of shit. My first thoughts on opening LoL for the first time in ages was “where’s the launcher?” since Riot have now combined the LoL launcher/patcher with the client itself.… [Continue Reading]

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Very Early First Impressions of Dragon Souls and a Chat About UI Design

So I’ve been eyeing Dragon Souls for ages. A free to play game where you play as a dragon fighting other dragons while collecting gold? One with a more open-world, traditional dragon feel rather than a weird futuristic match-made deathmatch objective game mode cloning monster thing like Time of Dragons? Sign me up! Well, kinda. You gotta keep an eye on the email address you sign up with. And keep an eye on Dragon Souls in general since it’s a very small early access in beta sort of thing. Well, alpha. I don’t think we can call it a beta… [Continue Reading]

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