I Don’t Get Close Quarters Combat in the Sea of Thieves

In the Sea of Thieves, I’ve managed to do a fair amount of learning. Despite my few hours, there are plenty of things I have learned, making me not completely useless. I’m good on the cannons and I’m also getting better at steering the ship. However, there is one place that I fall down, and that’s close quarters combat. I don’t know why, I just don’t get it. The concept is simple enough. Get into close range and then either hit them with a sword or shoot them with the blunderbuss. If you do this correctly, the pirate standing in… [Continue Reading]

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A Literal Aimbot – A Thought Experiment

No, no, I’m not talking about actual cheats. Users of those are the scum of video game communities anywhere and everywhere. This article is about computer vision and its implementation. Consider it a thought experiment. So, you guys know how VAC or any other anti-cheats detects hacks and cheats, and bans whoever decides to use a bot to shoot for them in a game? I found a loophole that should, in theory, allow me to use a bot to aim and shoot for me, while bypassing anti-cheats completely*. *depending on how the anti-cheat functions and how you implement it. That… [Continue Reading]

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You remember all those times where I would whine and bitch and moan that I have really awful aim? Remember how I said that I am legitimately bad at TF2 and video games in general? Would you forgive me if I said I may have been lying slightly? Of course you would, you love me. There ARE things I am good at in TF2, but the issue I have is that most of the things I am good at aren’t particularly useful in normal gameplay. The main thing? Syringe gun aim. In the last few weeks, I have had some AMAZING… [Continue Reading]

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