Overwatch, a few tips to new players

This article, as the title implies is going to be more of a guide than an article. If you feel like you already know how to play Overwatch really well than you may not need to read this. 1. Bastion (or whoever) is not overpowered. This is something I feel new players in Overwatch complain about for the same reason TF2 players complain about things like Phlog Pyros. Bastion for example is really good against uncoordinated, disorganized and generally newbie teams but is bad against experienced players. Mei is a total bitch and Roadhog’s hook is awful. But sometimes there… [Continue Reading]

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Overwatch: Low-Effort Counters to Annoying Team Builds

Not my snappiest title, but basically I wanted to go over some picks in Overwatch that I’ve discovered after enough times getting frustrated by silly class consistencies. These tips are mostly assuming you’re in Quickplay solo-queueing, as even in a group of two there’s usually enough cooperation on your team that natural selection should weed the silly strats out. 1. Lots of Bastions and Reinhardts. The remaining players are usually Mercy. The bastions sit in front of chokeholds, the Reinhardts stand in front of the Bastions with shields up, and it seems like nothing can even scratch them. In this situation, I switch… [Continue Reading]

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Overwatch’s Bastion

If there’s a single character who I’ve seen more complaints about more than anyone else in Overwatch, it’s Bastion. But are these complaints justifiable or is it just whinging? Bastion is an unusual take on the high damage, low mobility character who is seen most of the time on defense, anywhere that you need a gigantic roadblock to hold the enemy back. He has three main modes of fighting; his recon form allows him to run around like anyone else, his sentry form increases his fire power but turns him literally into an immobile sentry gun, and his ultimate ability… [Continue Reading]

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