If Sea of Thieves Had Blood

Sea of Thieves is a completely bloodless game. Despite the amount of murder that goes on, there is not a single drop of blood to be seen. Ghosts explode into green clouds, skeletons disintegrate into bone dust and human pirates keel over and slowly fade away, rather than ragdolling on death, their souls slowly floating upwards. You can kill sharks, snakes, pigs and chickens for food and they disappear into puffs of smoke, while megalodons and krakens screech in agony before sinking beneath the waves. There’s no blood what so ever. Probably the closest thing to blood is either some… [Continue Reading]

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Mute Crimson-

It says something about the state this game left me in when I bought it in 2015 and finished it in 2017. The thing is, when I returned to it, I couldn’t remember why I’d originally stopped playing. Repressed memories are a funny (and slightly terrifying) thing. But before we get to that, let’s cover the basics. Mute Crimson+ is a hard as nails platformer bringing something akin of the original Ninja Gaiden to the modern-day with significantly less cheap BS. but maintaining the level of difficulty that had established its reputation. Seeing this and identifying it as a challenge, I… [Continue Reading]

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Killing Floor 2 came out recently, and I’ve taken the opportunity to take my first steps into the Killing Floor franchise. For someone who’s spent a significant amount of my gaming time perfecting my ability and understanding of Left 4 Dead 2 and Payday:The Heist, it’s a bit odd for me to avoid the third member of Steam’s horde-based co-op triumvirate. But I’d never liked how the objective was literally killing the zombies (or Zeds, to be politically correct.) I prefer my enemies to be an obstacle preventing me from achieving a more global objective, like reaching the next safe room or breaking… [Continue Reading]

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