My 5 Favorite Bows in Gaming

Since Medic recently covered her 5 favorite bows in Warframe, I was inspired to do something similar, but for gaming as a whole. I’ve often found myself gravitating to bows when available, in part due to their uniqueness in a modern setting. They often play wholly differently to regular firearms, with arcs and draw times and often extra ammo types. The general trend is “rewarding if you learn how to use it,” and I love standing out through mastering the intricacies of an unusual weapon or gadget. One last note before we begin that crossbows are also eligible for this… [Continue Reading]

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The Split Flights Mod

On 27th March 2020, Baro Ki’Teer appeared with a brand new mod that cost 300 Ducats. This mod had been seen before, accidentally leaked via Transmuting. But it remained without a proper release for a very long time until people could get it normally. The mod in question is Split Flights, a mod specifically for Bows. Now, we get mods for specific weapon types all the time, but why is am I writing an article about this one? Well, I feel like it’s fundamentally flawed. Split Flights is simple at first. Whenever you hit an enemy, you get +100% Multishot… [Continue Reading]

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Paris Prime – The First and Last Step

The Paris Prime was one of the first weapons I managed to gather all the Prime parts for and build in the foundry. But as I played through Warframe, I found that bows were getting harder to use against more and more enemies. Sure, at the start of a mission, like an Exterminate or Rescue, when there’s only scattered enemies lying around, a Paris bow would silently take them out, but in a Defense mission or an Interception mission where enemies were all already alerted? Bows began to drag me down with their slow charge times. They might be able… [Continue Reading]

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Bows and Arrows in a Space Ninja Setting

If traditional guns and bullets were the weapons of the Old Ways, used to defeat the Sentients in an ancient war, then Bows are the weapons of the Seriously Really Old Ways, the one thing the Sentients could never corrupt and adapt to. Really, how much can you fuck up a flexible material, some string and some pointy sticks? Which, apart from maybe the Mutalist Cernos and the Lenz, every bow basically is. I do like bows. They used to be my preferred weapon of choice until I discovered there was a flamethrower. Bows are actually pretty strong, all things… [Continue Reading]

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