How to Choose the Best Microphone for Gamers

When it comes to choosing a microphone, we are going to find very different models in the market in terms of types, polar patterns or acoustic specifications, so before listing what a good microphone should be for streaming we will review what to take into account. Frequency response This characteristic refers to the range of sound that a microphone is capable of picking up. It is measured in hertz and is displayed from low to high frequencies. For a streamer this specification is not as important as for a vocalist, but better to look for those microphones that offer a wide range of frequencies. Impedance… [Continue Reading]

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5 Random Things to Try If Games are Running Slow

Every computer is unique. Which means everyone’s gaming experiences will be unique. While one game may run fine, another might not. But as time passes and things update and change, so does your gaming experience. For example, I was playing Warframe without issue before the Deimos Arcana update, then, after the update, got a lot of hitching. On the flip side, Minecraft was running fine. These hitches, lag spikes and more are all completely random and unique, different from person to person. And computer to computer. Or even the same computer at different times of the day. After some messing… [Continue Reading]

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