Playing Druid in D&D 5e: A Complete Guide

This article will consolidate Druid Fortnight! I know it was a pretty niche topic, but I hope you enjoyed reading about one of the most multi-faceted character classes I’ve encountered in any gaming system. If you took away anything from this series, I hope it’s that druid is definitely worth experiencing. If you feel any desire to try the class out yourself, I highly recommend you give it a shot. Table of Contents Introduction (How I Learned to Love the Druid) The 5 Best Races For Druids 5 Good Feats For Druids 5 Lesser-Known But Versatile Combat Options For Druids… [Continue Reading]

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D&D: 10 All-Purpose Druid Spells

We’ve covered under-used spells, healing spells, and dedicated several articles to specific spells. But no series on druid would be complete without an article discussing the all-purpose tried-and-trues. These are the spells that most druids take because they’re usable pretty much no matter what. As always, this article is focused on early-game druids, so we’re only covering spells level 0-2. Guidance Guidance is D&D’s gift to clerics and druids, and everyone else wishes they got it. For free, you can now have a bonus D4 on every ability check (even initiative) when you aren’t surprised. And you can tag teammates… [Continue Reading]

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D&D Druid: On Choosing Your Weapons and Armor

Generally in D&D, full spellcasters are squishy but powerful, and martial classes are chonkier but with less magical versatility. But then there’s druid (and cleric), who gets both! Druid’s equipment options are structured differently from most other classes. You’re only allowed to use a handful of weapon types, and you can’t wear armor/shields made of metal. But there are nevertheless some great options in your proficiencies. Today I wanted to discuss some common considerations/options available to you when you kit out your new druid. And before we can discuss anything, there’s an important question you need to ask your GM.… [Continue Reading]

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D&D: Comparing Druid’s Healing Spells

Druid is the second-best healer in the game behind Cleric. This means you should be bringing at least one healing spell to the party. But which one should you prepare? Should you take more than one? Let’s find out! (As always, this guide is designed for early-level players, so we’re only covering the healing spells below 4th level.) (Author’s note: To read about the one shapeshift form that can heal teammates, check out this article. I would not consider it a meaningful source of healing compared to your spells.) 1. Goodberry Let’s start by talking about the most unique healing… [Continue Reading]

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D&D: Creative Uses for the “Minor Illusion” Spell

So minor illusion isn’t actually a druid spell, but it is one of my favorite spells in the game. I usually wind up with it due to constantly taking “Magic Initiate” as a feat. Find familiar is my goto for the 1st-level spell, so it only makes sense to grab minor illusion off the Wizard spell list as well. (Make the last one shape water and you’ve added a boatload of utility to any class in the game.) Today I wanted to discuss why it’s worth the steep cost of earning it. What minor illusion does Minor illusion’s main job… [Continue Reading]

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D&D: 5 Good Feats For Druids

Every handful of levels, all characters get a chance to either increase their stats (an “ability score improvement,” aka ASI) or take a feat. Druids are in an interesting place when it comes to this choice for a couple reasons. In short, they only have one stat that really matters (Wisdom). You’re going to want to reach 20 Wisdom, but your best starting roll, racial bonuses, magic items, and maybe a single ASI is usually enough to do that. Because they’re always shapeshifting into animals (which overrides most of their base stats), druids don’t really need to worry about buffing… [Continue Reading]

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D&D: 5 Under-Used Druid Spells

Druids don’t have as versatile a spell list as some other casters, but there are nevertheless a ton of great options available. Spells like faerie fire, barkskin, and healing word are time-honored mainstays of any druid’s prepared spells. But today I wanted to discuss some of my favorite additional choices that many druids overlook. I should note that my philosophy when it comes to spells is “evergreen cantrips, situational leveled spells.” Since you can only cast them a few times, better to pick leveled spells that excel when needed and rely on your cantrips for all-purpose adventuring. As always, my… [Continue Reading]

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D&D: 5 Lesser-Known But Versatile Combat Options for Druids

Everybody knows about the ‘typical’ druid combat forms, specifically wolves and bears. In a vacuum, these two options deal the most damage and have the most hitpoints for their level. Generally, these two can get your basic job done, and some druids never use anything else. And trust me, I understand where they’re coming from. But there are so many crazy options available if you expand your horizons! In this article, I wanted to discuss five alternate combat forms I like to use. Often I’m looking for environmental or situational opportunities where I can take maximum advantage of their unique upsides.… [Continue Reading]

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D&D: Creative Uses for the ‘Shape Water’ Spell

Shape water is my favorite spell in D&D, hands down. I have found so many different ways to use it, in part because of the many different ways it lets you manipulate water. You can move it, animate it, recolor it, or freeze it, and the effect lasts for 1 hour without needing concentration. Today I wanted to go over some of the more common situations I find myself busting out shape water for utility (or sometimes even combat) reasons. There are three main ways to get the water you’ll be manipulating for the spell. The easiest is the environment,… [Continue Reading]

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D&D: 5 Ways to Fly as a Low-Level Druid

Druid’s Wildshape doesn’t strictly allow you to fly before level 8. And none of the loopholes on this list are going to be as free, versatile, and efficient as that landmark. But as I detailed before, Wildshape is so multi-faceted a mechanic that there are ways to get yourself in the air if that’s what you’re hoping for. Today we’re covering some edge cases for low-level druids looking wistfully at the sky! Caveat: Get permission from your GM before attempting any of these tricks. Every campaign is different, and many of these won’t fit the aesthetic of an ultra-serious storyline.… [Continue Reading]

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