A Warfame’s Fictional Writings

“So, why are we waiting again?” Frost asked as he threw an energy pad on the ground and tutted. “I wanted to wait for a whole squad!” Volt replied, fiddling with his Vectis. It had been a while since Volt had done anything apart from close Void Fissures on his own, and for some reason, he’d decided to head to the weird Entrati Labs on Deimos, mostly out of curiosity. The Cavia, a weird team of Void-touched animals, led by an oddly almost normal human being by the name of Loid, needed their help, and that had made Volt start… [Continue Reading]

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A Bunch of Lovely Electric Warframes

Volt couldn’t remember how he got there. He wasn’t actually sure where ‘there’ was. Either way, it was a very tight space, with only just enough room for him to stand up straight. What bothered Volt more though were all the needles sticking out of his metallic Warframe flesh. Every few seconds, a tingling sensation would run up his body then drain away, as if the needles were… sucking electricity out of him? Volt wasn’t sure. The last thing Volt could remember was being attacked by a literal ton of… No, they weren’t Zanuka Hunters. If they were, they had… [Continue Reading]

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Scout – the Village Bicycle

The Scout main and the Medic main got together on Steam after an amusing conversation on the League of Legends boards. It was the Scout main’s birthday and the Medic main had made a very silly picture to celebrate. Then it turned out that they were both women who had spent way too long playing their respective classes and thought that really flirting with their husbandus (like waifus but better) was rather silly. Especially once you start to tumble into, well, weird stuff. The weird stuff is everywhere though. Even if you’re not actively looking for it, it somehow seeps… [Continue Reading]

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