Claw Machines and Winning

Funnily enough, I’m not really an arcade person. I have always preferred playing games at home, rather than playing arcade machines that hundreds of others have also touched. But that level of concern would always disappear at the sight of a claw machine. Claw machines are simple: a metal claw hovers over some prizes. You have to use that claw to grab a prize. Most of the time, the claw slips and you don’t get a prize. Where I live, arcades aren’t that common, but there is an arcade in each of the big malls here. And I’ve tried a… [Continue Reading]

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The Problem with Eggs and Incubators in Pokemon Go

Hatching eggs seems to be a recurring thing in Pokemon, with almost all Pokemon in existence having been hatched from what are honestly pretty large eggs. This is the same for pretty much everything except from Legendaries, which just happen to spring into reality or are made in labs. Eggs are also a thing in Pokemon Go, despite the fact that there is no breeding or anything. In fact, abandoned eggs are just given as rewards for spinning Pokestops, which, if my theory about Pokemon Go critters being brain-dead clones from the real Pokemon dimension has anything to say about… [Continue Reading]

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