The Problem with Eggs and Incubators in Pokemon Go

Hatching eggs seems to be a recurring thing in Pokemon, with almost all Pokemon in existence having been hatched from what are honestly pretty large eggs. This is the same for pretty much everything except from Legendaries, which just happen to spring into reality or are made in labs. Eggs are also a thing in Pokemon Go, despite the fact that there is no breeding or anything. In fact, abandoned eggs are just given as rewards for spinning Pokestops, which, if my theory about Pokemon Go critters being brain-dead clones from the real Pokemon dimension has anything to say about… [Continue Reading]

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A Rant about Loot Boxes

Loot boxes. They’re fucking everywhere. They’re in Dota 2, they’re in Destiny 2, they’re in PAYDAY 2, they’re in Team Fortress 2, they’re everywhere. They’re swarming everything. Almost every free to play game has a loot box system, and pay to play games are doing the same thing as well. Thing is, a loot box system is fine in a free to play game, assuming you can get them just by playing the game, and assuming it’s just cosmetics and maybe experience boosters and fun things like that. F2P games NEED some sort of other revenue, and often just selling… [Continue Reading]

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Tea Talk: “Lootboxes are OK because they’re only cosmetic!”

The recent Star Wars Battlefront II fiasco that was being reported and discussed both within and without the gaming community increases people’s scrutiny towards lootboxes. And during this time, a particular group of players started coming out and claiming they have a game which implements lootboxes the right way. The Overwatch community have been vocal about how well OW’s lootboxes are implemented as compared to SWBF2. The common sentiment among those cheering for OW’s lootboxes is that OW does it right since it’s cosmetics only, so you can’t gain a gameplay advantage from the loot. Some among them also think that the microtransactions… [Continue Reading]

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