Mewtwo is Overrated. In Pokemon Go At Least.

When I first started doing raids on a regular basis, everyone was always like “where are your Mewtwos? Mewtwo is the best!” And I was always like “give me a break, I’ve never caught one!” or “I’m literally helping you fight a raid so I can catch one!”. As cool as Mewtwo is, as a Pokemon Go newbie, I was always recommended to load up on Mewtwos because Mewtwo was the damn best and I needed an army of them. Nowadays, I’m sitting here at level 37 and I don’t have a single powered up Mewtwo. Well I have one… [Continue Reading]

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The One Forma Generalist Volt Build

I’ve often prided myself with getting to MR26 and not having stuck a Forma in any of my Warframes, but when a recent update brought out dual energy colours, I kinda had to forma some of my Warframes, in the name of Fashion. And the first person to get a Forma of course was my beloved Volt Prime. But that got me thinking. I’d had a zero Forma build for a long time. In fact, I had posted about this a while back in my Everyday Volt Build, which uses no Forma and works both on Volt and Volt Prime.… [Continue Reading]

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