Here’s to 2016!

Well yesterday’s article went over what happened in 2015, and it wasn’t really that impressive. You can’t expect every year that a game is alive for to be as impressive as the last, and 2015 showed that Valve is kinda just throwing things at the wall and hoping they stick, as well as copying and pasting things from other games into TF2, rather than doing it the other way around. 2016 though, what’s in stock for it? What’s going to be different? While the majority of 2015 has been dull, the last few weeks of the year have proved interesting,… [Continue Reading]

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Looking for a new leash on life

I’ve been Medic for a long time. A very long time. So long in fact that I’ve become disillusioned with the class. I have more hours as Medic than any other class, perhaps more than all 8 other classes combined. I’ve also come to some rather big conclusions as well. It’s time for me to move on, I think. Thing is, Medic is actually a really easy class to play as. All those claims that Medic as a class was overpowered? They’re completely, 100% true. But Medic NEEDS to be overpowered and simple to play, otherwise no one plays as… [Continue Reading]

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