I Love Community Maps

Where do I start, community maps have been around for a very long time, my first foray into multiplayer source games was on a community map. Specifically on TF2 of all places, all i remember was it had a LOT of orange and was called cp_orange, in fact a fair amount of any source engine based community map used this colour, along with a bunch of grey. I’d like to think this is because valve used the colour orange in their source engine logo, but I think a more logical answer is that it provides a very good contrast between… [Continue Reading]

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Source 2 and stuff.

I know I’m late. I was asleep. Sorry. According to everywhere but here, Valve have announced that Source 2 is an actual, real thing. Then again, we already knew that, I guess. All the fuss comes from the GDC, where Valve developers are doing some talks and stuff based on physics and things like that. Not only that, but there’s also been other less TF2, more PC gaming in general news, with Unreal Engine 4 now being completely free until you start making actual real money, and even then they don’t ask of much. Then there’s Unity 5, which has… [Continue Reading]

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