What To Do With Old Frames?

With the release of Nezha Prime, I have a decision to make. What do I do with my old Nezha? After all, I have a nice, new, shiny Nezha Prime to play with. My old Nezha needs somewhere to go. But I’ve had this old Nezha for three years now! He’s been forma’d and upgraded and all sorts! What can I do with him? Well, let’s have a look at our options. Flat out delete old Nezha You can sell a lot of items in your game for credits. This is done via your inventory, a completely separate place to… [Continue Reading]

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My Other Favourite Warframes

Anyone who reads the Daily SPUF on a regular basis probably knows that my favourite Warframe by a mile is Volt, distantly followed by Khora and trailed by Ivara. But surely I don’t play those three Warframes all the time, right? No, of course not, I pick Warframes according to what mission I am about to do. But I do have some favourites. What counts as a favourite is quite easy to tell if you simply look in my Warframe arsenal. It’s all the Warframes with Forma in them, right? Well, kinda, yes, mostly. I’ll be honest, I only stuck… [Continue Reading]

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Nezha- Not A Trap In Any Way What So Ever

I never understood the whole thing about calling Nezha a trap. Sure, the Warframe based on the folklore deity isn’t the thickest Warframe around, he isn’t the beefiest and he’s certainly not very muscular, but even with the little ribbons on his default helmet, Nezha never looked feminine to me. The source material was always supposed to be playful and flirty with both genders, but Warframe Nezha… I just don’t get it. Nezha’s a male Warframe. He doesn’t even have a hint of breasts, legs and chest like most female Warframes do. If anything, Warframes like Loki and Volt have… [Continue Reading]

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