My Other Favourite Warframes

Anyone who reads the Daily SPUF on a regular basis probably knows that my favourite Warframe by a mile is Volt, distantly followed by Khora and trailed by Ivara. But surely I don’t play those three Warframes all the time, right? No, of course not, I pick Warframes according to what mission I am about to do. But I do have some favourites. What counts as a favourite is quite easy to tell if you simply look in my Warframe arsenal. It’s all the Warframes with Forma in them, right? Well, kinda, yes, mostly. I’ll be honest, I only stuck… [Continue Reading]

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Good Guy Oberon – A Bit of Everything

Oberon is a weird frame. A lovely frame, a powerful frame, but a weird frame. Often described as a paladin and a protector of nature, Oberon can both heal and hurt, giving you plenty of ways to use and abuse his power. His normal self appears as a deer-like being, while Oberon Prime takes on features that are closer to that of a goat. Let’s start with obtaining Oberon. Oberon parts have a chance of dropping from Eximus enemies. You know, the ones with the weird mesh energy effects on them that have a range of weird and annoying abilities… [Continue Reading]

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An Old Medic Failing with the Best Healer Ever

For someone who calls himself Medic, mained Medic in Team Fortress 2 and had a single class make up about 80% of my gameplay, it seems really weird that I wouldn’t leap into Warframe and grab the healing character at the first opportunity. Back then, Trinity wasn’t even that hard to get, her parts dropping from a tag-team fight between two bosses I’d already soundly defeated. Considering how powerful Trinity is, was and always will be, it seems insane that Medic’s playing anyone but. That’s not to say I never play Trinity. She has her place. She’s a good frame.… [Continue Reading]

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