Rambling over Raid Hours

Every Wednesday, at 6pm local time, we get a raid hour in Pokemon GO. Whatever the current 5 star raid is, it will appear on pretty much every gym, and will stick around for, obviously, an hour before despawning. The raid hour lasts from 6pm to 7pm and can be done in person or remotely. Raid hour also works as a nice way to socialize with other players. It’s a good idea to get more raids done. Raid Hours are pretty fun. It’s an opportunity to get Legendary raids done with a small group who normally would be too scattered… [Continue Reading]

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Chimchar Community Day

Another month, another community day! Today’s community day was mostly normal, except for the end. The Pokemon in question was the Generation 4 starter Chimchar, a fire and fighting type that sadly not many people seemed to care about because it’s a monkey version of Blaziken, who came out not too long ago. But a chance at easy shinies and a special move is not something I’m willing to ignore, so off I went, from 11am to 2pm local time, catching Chimchars. And why not? The sun was shining, the sky was clear and blue, the weather was very warm… [Continue Reading]

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