Retvik’s Ridiculous Guide to Rolling and Selling Rivens 2020 Edition

Riven mods are strange, multifaceted mods designed by Cephalon Samodeus (an otherwise unknown Cephalon), designed to fit into a single weapon and capable of having the mod’s stats rerolled by pumping thousands upon thousands of tons of Kuva into said mods. Riven mods are easily traded and can be incredibly valuable if you get very lucky. Alternatively they can just take up space in your Mod list, eventually accumulating to the point where you have to sell them or you can’t do Sorties any more. They also have the ability to make your favourite guns even better, despite their randomness… [Continue Reading]

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On Giving Guns to Sentinels

I forget that Sentinels have weapons. I always do, up until I get Riven Mods for them from sorties. My Riven luck has petered out completely, gifting me a perfect mod for the Glaxion that only shoots 10% of the time and three shitty Sentinel weapon Rivens. Almost no one wants a Riven Mod for a Sentinel. In fact, not everyone wants guns on Sentinels in general. But why? Well firstly, giving weapons to Sentinels causes them to draw aggro. Which often means they get killed. Unlike Kubrows and Kavats, Sentinels can’t be revived unless you use the Regen or… [Continue Reading]

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Retvik’s Ridiculous Guide to Rolling and Selling Rivens

Riven mods. All the potential in the world to make your favourite weapons amazing, locked away behind a wall of randomness and horrible Kuva. They’re also locked away behind a limited amount of space, with a base amount of 15 Riven Mod slots, with more riven slots costing you 60 platinum for a measly 3 slots. They’re expensive and annoying and disappointing and if you want to make use of them, not end up with an inventory of crap or make some platinum, you need to learn how and when to get rid of them. Let’s make things clear right… [Continue Reading]

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The Problem with Riven Mods

When the War Within came out, it introduced Riven Mods, often just called rivens. The idea was that you’d receive a veiled mod with a challenge on it. Equipping this mod on a weapon and completing the challenge would unveil the riven and produce a mod for a specific weapon with randomized stats on it. These mods would cost about the same as rare/gold mods to upgrade and would ideally be a huge buff to unpopular or bad weapons, since the randomized stats included would give you more space for other mods, allow you to experiment more and try out… [Continue Reading]

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