Colours, Shapes and Eyes

The human eye is an amazing thing. It’s what lets us see the world around us, with varying degrees of success. We have three cones in our eyes, allowing us to see most colours, mainly red, green and blue. This means that we can live in a bright, lustrous world. Assuming your eyes actually work, of course. But the eye is a very complicated organ that doesn’t do anything unless there’s a brain attached to it. Without the brain automatically correcting things, eyes just project upside down images into nothing. What’s the most interesting thing though is that the eyes… [Continue Reading]

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Cool Sciency Stuff That I Don’t Get

Lately, I’ve been watching a lot of stuff on Youtube. While my desire to play games is dulled, I need to do something with my free time. Something that isn’t writing. So yeah, Youtube time it is. But I’ve not been sitting here, watching any old bollocks. I’ve been watching sciency things. And I’d be lying if I said I understood it all. So what sciency things have I been watching? Mostly quantum stuff. You know, the building blocks of the universe. But damn is this stuff confusing. I mean, it’s what the universe is made of, of course it’s… [Continue Reading]

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Hey, Vsauce, Medic Here

I was chatting with someone the other day and they said they needed to clear out their subscriptions on Youtube. They were subscribed to SO MANY things that they didn’t watch most of them. All sorts of stuff, but mostly just video game stuff, or things related to the TV shows they watched. I shrugged and said I probably needed to do the same. After all, there are channels I don’t watch at all. There are also channels I probably watch too much of. Frankly, I can split my subscribed channels into rather predictable groups. I have quite a few… [Continue Reading]

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