Hey, Vsauce, Medic Here

I was chatting with someone the other day and they said they needed to clear out their subscriptions on Youtube. They were subscribed to SO MANY things that they didn’t watch most of them. All sorts of stuff, but mostly just video game stuff, or things related to the TV shows they watched. I shrugged and said I probably needed to do the same. After all, there are channels I don’t watch at all. There are also channels I probably watch too much of.

Frankly, I can split my subscribed channels into rather predictable groups.

I have quite a few groups.

There’s the “gaming” group, which features channels that look at, well, games. A lot of obscure games too. Or old games. Or buggy games. Things like that. Accursed Farms, Mandalore Gaming and Game Sack are all channels that review strange games. Then I’ve got a few streamers that I like, for example Triple Jump, which features a couple of cute British guys doing retarded gaming videos.

I also am subscribed to a couple of cooking and crafting channels too. One channel which I only stop to watch occasionally does nothing but make Pokemon out of clay. Sadly it’s an expensive clay I can’t really get over here so I can’t follow along. There’s a few cool cooking channels. An ASMR cooking channel, a channel run by a food scientist who debunks bad crafting videos and a self-taught cook who just came out with his own range of neat gadgets.

I also have what I call a “tat” group. This is mostly weird, binge-worthy crap like CinemaSins but also includes the literal tat channel in the form of Ashens.

Finally, there’s the “friends’ channels” group, which is, as the name suggests, channels which belong to people I know.

Then we have the comedic factual documentary group.

This is probably the biggest group of subscribed channels that I watch regularly. As the title suggests, this group includes Vsauce. Vsauce is an interesting channel which teaches you a lot of things in a very ass-about-face way. You find yourself looping backwards and forward and learning things. But what each video is about varies GREATLY and covers a group of topics in one go, things you wouldn’t normally even consider that interesting.

At the same time though, you almost find yourself NOT learning things. These documentaries cover a wide range of subjects. Vsauce covers everything from the mind to advanced maths to the ability to touch Mars. Tom Scott’s channel is more computer-orientated but also covers things one wouldn’t expect to know or even consider, like how a brand of bottled water flopped in the UK.

Last Week Tonight is another channel. Sure, it focuses on mostly societal things in the UK, but it’s a well-presented, humorous look at things you don’t often consider much about.

I don’t know why, but I love channels like these.

In fact, if I want to binge-watch something, channels like Vsauce are what I tend to look for! Especially since a lot of these videos are a good 15 minutes long. Could I be using this time to actually learn things? Sure. But me watching Vsauce or an entire channel simulating tsunamis, earthquakes and other catastrophes, like ingomar200, is probably a lot more useful than rewatching a fictional show again.

But sometimes these channels can be too much.

Sometimes, your brain just stops absorbing this information. I find I’m not really learning any more, I’m just kinda watching.

So I need something simple and educational. And that’s when we go back to the “friends” group of channels. Namely Science with Thomas Stevenson. Because sometimes we just need some supplementary science material aimed at high-schoolers, all laid out in a cute New Zealand accent.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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