Pumpkin Soup for the Soul

This year, the winter season has been very odd. Normally, November and December are colder, cold enough to warrant making soup. Late December and January however have proved me wrong, making things cold and wet and miserable. So I’ve decided to make some soup. Pumpkin soup. Ingredients Pumpkin of some sort, with seeds and skin removed A couple of onions, sliced Some potatoes, peeled and scrubbed About 5-6 cloves of garlic, sliced and mushed (not bulbs) A decent amount of Mixed Spices A teaspoon of cinnamon, cloves and paprika One stock cube of your choice Salt and Pepper, but not… [Continue Reading]

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Little tiny changes!

Something magical has happened. As I was eating my awesome home-made vegetable soup the other day, I noticed something unusual. I suddenly had more power. I could change things I could not change before. Lots of magical, wonderful things. So I got to work and made a few… changes around here. First off, our wonderful sticky bomb favicon is back. Fuck yeah! Aaby missed the poor thing, and it’s technically our logo. Hence why it’s all over our social media pages. Then I went and made sure we had a proper mobile site. That’s currently not working very well, so… [Continue Reading]

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