The Sudden Very Obvious Empyrean Meta

It’s only been like a week, and already a meta has evolved in Railjack missions. There’s literally no way around it though, due to the fact that each Empyrean mission is time-consuming and very hectic, even if you have a full crew of MR 27-28 players. With so much going on, you need everyone to do their tasks and do them well. Luckily though, it’s very easy to arrange a group into their respective roles. From what I’ve seen so far, there’s four main roles. One person focuses on flying; one person rushes around repairing things and occasionally shoots things… [Continue Reading]

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SPACESHIPS! Retvik’s First Impressions on Empyrean

I missed the initial release. I’ll admit that. It happened at like 5am when I was fast asleep, tucked up in bed and dreaming of, well, not space ninjas. But as soon as I could get to my computer (after a Windows update or two, typically), I went and installed the 2.5GB update and went to see what was going on. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately?) this happened at about 3:30pm my time, meaning I’d missed a lot of the initial rush and the rest of my clan jumping in. Sooo, Empyrean. The thing that comes after Rising Tides. The ability… [Continue Reading]

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