Steel Path is Boring

Currently, in Warframe, I am actually missing a few nodes. I haven’t been able to play Arbitrations, because there are nodes I haven’t unlocked yet. Well, there’s four nodes, three on the Zariman and one on Lua. But I also haven’t done these nodes on the Steel Path either. Why? Because I find Steel Path boring. The Steel Path, put simply, is the normal star chart except harder. Everything is 100 levels higher and has 50% more armour and shields. The missions though are the exact same missions you get on the normal star chart. The only real difference is… [Continue Reading]

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A Cheap Coward’s Guide to the Steel Path

The Steel Path can seem intimidating. All enemies are over level 100, and they’re all heavily armoured. The Corpus have tons of shields and the Infested are… Well, actually, the Infested are fine, as long as there are no Swarm Mutalist Moas around. Because they give the Infested tons of armour. Either way, the Steel Path is not a place for casual players. However, you don’t need to spend forever formaing your gear and making super OP ultra umbral forma builds. In fact, you can get through the Steel Path very cheaply. But only if you are patient. Can’t hit… [Continue Reading]

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Three Ways to Travel the Steel Path

The Steel Path is a conundrum. It was originally just an alternate area for players to test their high level builds, that gave a handful of rewards too. The idea is really simple: enemy levels are increased by 100, and everything has extra shields and armour. The rewards were never amazing, just the odd Steel Essence, as well as a higher chance of drops overall. Aside from those though, there was no real reason to play Steel Path, aside from the initial completion affinity. But then people realized you could farm so much Kuva from the Steel Path. So the… [Continue Reading]

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The Problem With The Steel Essence Farm

With the upcoming Deimos Arcana update, there’s going to be a lot of changes to a lot of things. Part of the changes include one to Steel Path. Particularly how you get Steel Essence. The Steel Path overall is a bit tedious. It’s the normal star chart but everything is way, way tankier. There’s only two reasons to do it: Mastery and Steel Essence, which can be traded in to Teshin for various rewards. But unless you go looking, Steel Essence is hard to come across. Currently, on the Heart of Deimos update, it has a chance to drop Eximus… [Continue Reading]

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Level 100 Stalker

When you’re new to Warframe, the Stalker can seem scary. He does a huge amount of damage, he has Warframe abilities just like you and, well, he’s a Stalker. The Stalker randomly shows up to avenge a boss you killed recently. That Jackal boss you were killing for Rhino parts? Yeah, this shadowy being that nullifies your abilities wants to kill you for that. And then, when you get to Uranus, the Stalker gets an upgrade! He becomes Shadow Stalker! He gradually resists all the damage you do to him and carries a big, scary sword! Well, once you’ve completed… [Continue Reading]

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The Wisp Specter – The MVP of the Steel Path

Normally, Specters aren’t that great. Sure, they can be handy at times, but because they spawn at the same level as a mission, they can die incredibly quickly. However I’ve always been a fan of Specters in the past, especially the likes of the Ancient Healer Specter. When it comes to the Steel Path though, Specters really began to shine, because the high levels mean your Specters will have high levels too. And the real winner? Wisp Specters. Lots of Simple Buffs and a Tanky Distraction. The Wisp Specter does two things. Firstly, like all Specters, Wisp is a great… [Continue Reading]

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The Hidden Gems and Tedious Slogs of the Steel Path

Some point late at night on July 21st, I finally finished the Steel Path. My last node was nothing special. A defense mission in the Void. The only remarkable thing was that 1. I was playing Limbo and 2. I wasn’t completely solo. The Steel Path hasn’t been particularly fun for me, as I’ve had to do most of it solo and found that my normal builds are woefully inadequate. I’m glad it’s over, but I feel I have a lot to talk about. Rather than go through the entire star chart though, I’m just going to mention the highs… [Continue Reading]

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The Steel Path – It’s the Grineer…

I’m slowly making my way around the star chart. The Steel path may add 100 levels and tons of extra health and armour, but I’m getting there. The main thing holding me back is a lack of time to play, but I’ve managed to complete about a planet a day. I’m not doing amazing, but I’m not doing badly either. I struggled my way through Earth as I wasn’t quite used to the enemies yet. Then I struggled my way through Lua, mixing up my builds constantly (Steel Path doesn’t make it clear which faction is where). And then I… [Continue Reading]

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The Steel Path is… Interesting…

The Steel Path is basically a Hard Mode for Warframe. For years, players have begged for a high level version of normal missions, so they don’t need to wait an hour to fight level 100+ enemies. Things like Elite Sanctuary Onslaught, Liches and Arbitrations weren’t enough. People wanted more. So we got the Steel Path. Which just plops 100 levels on everything, gives everything +250% health, shields and armour and calls it a day. You just redo the entire star chart, with 100 more levels. With a premise that simple, you wouldn’t think there was much to talk about, right?… [Continue Reading]

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