On Teshin

This article discusses the New War and is filled with spoilers. There are some big spoilers here but also some little ones too. If you don’t wish to be spoiled, please don’t read the following article. Or read it with your eyes closed. Or something like that.

The New War, as the name suggests, isn’t what one would call fun. If anything, the New War would be better described as a genocide than a war. Although it’s hard to be certain, we had thousands or perhaps millions of deaths, and possibly a billion people or more ending up with Warframe’s version of Pyrovision. In the space of what felt like only a few hours, the Sentients had won. They were either killing stragglers or putting Orokin veils on the populace, controlling the minds of, well, nearly everyone.

He’s dead, Jim.

However, there is one casualty that is almost instantly forgotten about. It happens early on but is never really mentioned ever again. The lost soul, ally and teacher, killed by the Sentients? His name is Teshin.

Yep, Teshin, the guy who runs both Conclave and the Steel Path, is dead. Or at least, we think so. From the neck-snapping sounds and the horrible thud of Teshin’s body hitting the ground, he seems pretty damn dead.

Misplaced Optimism

Some people are optimistic that he might be somewhere else, still alive. After all, Teshin has always gone on about ‘Oro’, essentially the soul of a powerful individual. When it comes to Orokin things, Teshin was one of the leading experts, doubly so for the Tenno. And Teshin knew that the only way to kill someone like an Orokin properly was to consume their Oro. Their life essence.  Or however you want to call it.

Either way, the optimists all hope that the Dax soldier was just knocked out, and, while Teshin heals up, we get a hologram of him. Exactly like what we did with the Lotus. However we saw both what happened with the Lotus and what happened to Teshin, it just so happens that the Lotus has more plot armour. Either way, we now have an orange hologram directing us in the Conclave and the Steel Path.

He died unceremoniously.

The worst part of Teshin’s demise is that it wasn’t even a good way to go. After playing through Teshin’s part of the New War, we end up with no more Teshin, a swift and sudden death. But also not as emotional as both Kahl and Veso, the Grineer and Corpus fellows who we had played as prior. Sure, we tried fighting back, but in the end, one snap and he’s gone. That’s it. He gets dumped on the floor as if he was a common Grineer soldier. The scene then moves on to Natah and the appearance of the player character, and Teshin is never mentioned again.

That’s it. Game over.

I suppose at least it was fun playing as Teshin. His elemental swords were awesome and Teshin had Tenno-like skill. But it still sucks that he died so quickly, and was forgotten as well.

All that remains of Teshin are an orange hologram on relays, and a Lotus-like hologram for Conclave and Steel Path missions. Rest in peace, Teshin.


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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