Sea Forts are the Best

Sea of Thieves has a lot of content you can do, but there’s one thing I do in pretty much every single Sea of Thieves session I have, even if I don’t intend to play very long. Even if I just intend on going fishing, I’ll always go to a Sea Fort before I do anything else, after I’ve bought all my supplies and stuff. Sea Forts are stone fortresses dotted across the Sea of Thieves. There are six of them total, and they all have the exact same layout, although there are three cosmetic themes: standard, prison and overgrown,… [Continue Reading]

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5 More Best Pokemon To Beat Team Rocket Grunts

Pokemon GO’s Team Rocket are still around and they are stronger than ever. The last time I saw them, I beat the crap out of them, and was rewarded with the worst Apex Lugia and Apex Ho-Oh possible. We’ve actually gone over good Pokemon for Grunt battles before, but there are always options, especially as Team Rocket change up their loadouts semi-regularly. Today, we’re going to go through 5 more Pokemon that do great against Team Rocket. Heatran Most people don’t like Heatran, and for good reason. It’s kinda ugly, badly shaped and appears in 5* raids way, way too… [Continue Reading]

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Meta Weapons and some Alternatives in Warframe

There are a lot of weapons in Warframe. SO many, in fact, that it’s easy to forget that a lot of them exist. However, a lot of people focus on the most meta of weapons. It’s understandable, people want to use the best guns. This means that many guns fall by the wayside, somewhat unwanted. However, there are some sneaky weapons that perform just as well as the standard meta weaponry. Here are just a few of them. The Lenz The Kuva Bramma is a terrifying beast. When it was first released, it did HUGE amounts of damage. It was… [Continue Reading]

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The Easy Way to Complete the K-Driven 1 Million Meters Achievement

I’m normally not someone who collects achievements. But for Warframe, after I hit True Master, I needed something to do. I had completed most challenges in the game and there was very little left to do. So, for some reason, I turned to Warframe’s achievements on Steam. As soon as I did that, I realized that I had a monumental task ahead of me. I needed to travel over 1 million meters on my K-Drive. 1,000,000m. And so far, since Fortuna came out, three years ago nearly, I’d only managed 10% of that. Barely made a dent in it. But… [Continue Reading]

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5 Tasty Pancake Recommendations

The pancake is a weirdly deceitful dish. Despite being made of simple ingredients, they are oddly hard to cook. TV chefs make pancakes look easy. All you do is throw some batter in a pan, flip it and boom, pancake. But in reality, pancakes are crazy beasts that take on many shapes and forms. It’s all too easy to mess up a pancake. Luckily, there are ways to improve pancakes that don’t involve too much hassle. Take your time The first big step to making pancakes that are edible is to take your time. There’s no need to rush a… [Continue Reading]

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