Thoughts on More Umbral Warframes

Excalibur Umbra is a unique Warframe, a variant of normal Excalibur, that players wanted for years. We finally got access to Excalibur Umbra, often just called Umbra for short, in the Sacrifice, a quest that looked at Ballas’s betrayal of the Orokin and gave us some more defined answers as to how the Warframes were built. But Umbra shows something that all other Warframes lack in large amounts – sentience. The creation of most Warframes was tricky at first. These were people infested with a particular strain of Infestation that turned their skin into steel and transformed them into, well,… [Continue Reading]

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The Curiosity of the Umbral Forma

The end of Night Wave season 1 is coming up, and with it we will lose the first opportunity to obtain the Umbral Forma, the reward for reaching level 29 in Nightwave. The Umbral Forma was probably the most anticipated reward when Nightwave came out. After all, it’s the first non-normal Forma we have ever seen, and only recently did we get a third type of Forma, the Aura Forma. But despite the Aura Forma being newer, it still doesn’t beat the Umbral Forma in just how… curious it is. The main reason for that is simple. The Aura Forma… [Continue Reading]

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Angry Excalibur

By far, the Sacrifice is an amazing quest to get a new Warframe. Unlike quests like Octavia’s Anthem or the Glast Gambit, the Sacrifice hows you everything that went into making a Warframe and Warframes in general. And like older frames of the past, it rewards you with a fully built Warframe at the end. Exceeeeeept it’s never that simple. Normally newly built Warframes don’t force you out of their bodies, try to kill you and run away. Normally Warframes don’t seem to have any true sapience at all. But Excalibur Umbra? He’s still alive. And he’s very, very angry.… [Continue Reading]

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