An Unpopular Position on Itsurblog

With the second itsurblog thread closed, it’s clear to see that there is a major uproar about it. SPUFers, both big-names and the small-names, rise together as one, petitioning for a new subforum and posting up new itsurblogs, either disguised or clearly labeled. However, the few that stand against all of this madness get shut down.
I argue for the unpopular position – the position that will certainly cause me some trouble, but such is the way of the minority view. Once a few people thought that the earth rotated around the sun, whereas the majority thought it was the opposite. Unpopular and unloved, most were hated with a fiery passion, but were they wrong? Granted that this was a rhetorical question, but it has a great meaning behind it when it comes to the passion-fueled storms going on now. With that being said, I ask you to keep an open-mind about this; it’s only my opinion.
I’ll start off with the creation of a new subforum, dedicated to off-topic discussions loosely attached to TF2 or its community. It is my belief that creating a new subforum is completely redundant when an official off-topic subforum exists, made solely for the purpose of discussing things that can’t really be attached to anything specific.
“But the off-topic forum isn’t populated by TF2 SPUFers!”
You’re right! But this shouldn’t be a problem. Nothing stops any of you who are in full favor of the itsurblog thread to go out and make a thread there. Not only will you talk to the TF2 community which will go there (if they so wish), you will meet other people and talk about the same randomness that you already talk in the TF2 section of SPUF. The mods have already locked four itsurblog threads, but in the off-topic subforum, it would flourish as it essentially defines ‘off-topic”.
As for the creation of new itsurblog threads, I (of course) argue against them. The only reason why the first two threads existed for a long time and were spared by the hand of Mod is because they were teetering on the fine line of off-topic and TF2, and the mods, as unpredictable as they are, decided to let them live and continue to entertain the masses. However, they slowly disintegrated into silly “hellfireXwurm” and other less-than-TF2-related topics.
I won’t rant for much longer – I have contained myself in a calm manner for this long, I might as well end myself in an equally calm fashion. Itsurblog was an interesting idea, one that certainly was unexpected and attempted to stop urblog threads and let people meet each other. However, with the growing concerns and the inevitable decline of all great things, I argue for the unpopular position on itsurblog, and that is to move it to the subforum it belongs in.
“However, they slowly disintegrated into silly “hellfireXwurm” and other less-than-TF2-related topics.”
The second thread was actually on-topic at the time of being locked, so this is moot.
“It is my belief that creating a new subforum is completely redundant when an official off-topic subforum exists”
Also a moot point. The Steam forums aren’t a single community, each section is separate and its own thing, they all just happen to be hosted on the same website. It’s the same as how /a/ and /x/ are two completely different beasts.
Sure, you can say that the off-topic forum is still a viable alternative if the itsurblog regulars were to migrate there, but at that point, it’s no longer the same culture or community. The members who participate in the thread are just one portion of it.
Believe it or not, many of the things joked about in the ITSURBLOG THREAD image and the actual itsurblog threads did not originate from itsurblog itself, or at the very least, not entirely so. Hellfire and Wurm, for example, were hardly regulars. Wurm only has three posts in the original thread, and Hellfire has none in any of them. Yet, this is still a popular in-joke among regulars and even mentioned in other threads on SPUF that are completely unrelated.
aabicus IS a regular, but him being a nude model was something first brought up in an entirely different thread. Corv being a maid? Yet again, not something from itsurblog. All of this stuff would be both lost on and irrelevant to Off-Topic regulars.
I mean shit, just something as simple as Off-Topic’s rep ratios being vastly different compared to SPUF (you’d be hardpressed to find an Off-Topic regular with less than 1000 rep) can show you that it evolved differently than we did and is a separate place.
“The only reason why the first two threads existed for a long time and were spared by the hand of Mod is because they were teetering on the fine line of off-topic and TF2, and the mods, as unpredictable as they are, decided to let them live and continue to entertain the masses.”
This is pure conjecture.