Ten More Really Fucking Annoying Warfame Enemies
There’s lots of enemies in Warframe but some of them are really fucking annoying. While things like Nullifiers, as mentioned in the previous article of annoying Warframe enemies, are less annoying now, that doesn’t mean that there’s still a bunch of bastards all waiting to ruin your day.

These little yellow bastards come from nigh invisible blue spawning pads, dropped by Corpus Snipers. You’ll be sitting there happily doing a defense mission when you suddenly see your shields trickling away, only to find that there’s a Rattel zapping you with electricity.
“Reinforced” Glass
The Corpus aren’t known for their health and safety aspects, because that has to be the ONLY reason why ‘reinforced’ glass exists on all their ships. All it takes is a small nick, from gunfire to the electricity of Shocking Speed to simply bullet jumping too close to break these ‘reinforced’ windows and cause a lockdown. Clearly it’s cheaper for the Corpus to install alarm systems and metal frames that seal up broken windows than it is to install stronger windows in the first place. The worst thing is that Infested Corpus ships DON’T have this problem!
Auditor from the Index
We’re still on Corpus enemies here. The Auditor is a bursa. A very special bursa that spawns in the Index, locking off pathways and being immune to almost all damage dealt from the front. So you got to jump over its shielded ass and shoot it in the back. But even when you do kill it, you don’t even get the luxury of hacking it and making Auditor an ally for a bit, like most other Bursas.
Bastard doesn’t even do any actual auditing.

“Shouldn’t we, like, kill him?”
“No, just really piss him off!”
You know how rolling generally protects you from being knocked down and staggered? Yeah? No. Rollers don’t give a shit if you roll around. Rollers only exist to bump into your legs and knock you over. That’s it.
Vomvalysts make this list for multiple reasons. Firstly they are annoying as fuck, nigh immortal enemies if you haven’t completed the War Within, as you can’t destroy their second, ghost-like forms without the use of your Operator and their Void Magic. They’re all over the Plains, getting angry and shooting you, then charging into you once you break their shells. Vomvalysts don’t care if you’re fishing or murdering Grineer, they WILL start firing at you and any local wildlife they stumble across.
Except when you need them to fill lures so you can fight Eidolons. Then they all disappear and play hide and seek with you.
But when you DO get some Vomvalysts? The Eidolons all spawn more. When they do that, they can regenerate the Operator-Breaking-Only shields. Oh and Vomvalysts sometimes get stuck in the ground, making their Eidolon buddies immortal. Fun.
Every Tusk Grineer with anti-aircraft missiles stuck up their asses
Seriously how comes every single Grineer grunt wandering around the empty fields around Cetus has an anti-aircraft missile capable of taking out Warframes in their Archwings? HOW? WHY?
LN2 Barrels
Fuck these frozen barrels of frozen shittiness. And rather than just slowing you down, being frozen somehow defies gravity, making you fire slower and fall slower.

Insta-killing homing missiles that have huge areas of effect? Count me out! Bombards are also insanely tanky and take ages to kill, even at fairly low levels! Their corrupted versions, found in the Void and Fissure missions, are even worse. They still one-hit-kill you and they are even tankier than their normal versions.
Toxic Ancients
Talking of insta-kills, you know what’s worse than homing missiles? Area of Effect attacks with misleading windup times and animations with no real particle effects that ignore shields completely and directly attack your health, doing huge amounts of damage and capable of downing most non-tank frames instantly. Because that’s what Toxic Ancients do. Oh and on top of that all their attacks do toxin damage and they have a grab attack that can still hit you even if they’re stunned. That grab attack can even get you sometimes if you roll at just the wrong time.

But the worst thing is that Toxic Ancients tend to hand around other Infested enemies, making them particularly hard to take out. And THEN they pair up with Ancient Healers and Ancient Disrupters that make them EVEN HARDER to take down.
But you know what’s worse than that?
Parasitic Ancients
These cunts do everything that Ancient Healers and Toxic Ancients do, but they also drain your energy at an alarming speed. Oh and they are the most common type of Ancient Eximus. So even if you are using an ability or mod that stops you from instantly being killed, Parasitic Ancients will still ruin your day.
Fuck these bastards. Kill them all!