Another Eevee Community Day
When I was brand new to Pokemon GO, I once accidentally took part in the first Eevee Community Day. While I didn’t find any shinies, I did manage to get a few new Pokedex entries. I never really thought though that there’d ever be a second Community Day. Well, here I am, writing about another Eevee Community Day. Just goes to show that anything can happen.

However, this Community Day was different.
Two Days of Eevee
For some reason, this Community Day is in fact a Community Day weekend. We get two 6-hour periods in which all spawns will be Eevee, with an increased chance of being shiny. Actually, I say that, the reason is actually pretty obvious. Eevee has a grand total of 8 evolutions, and most of those need extra work to evolve them. Umbreon in particular needs to be evolved at night, which is way outside normal Community Day hours. Weirdly, the bonus for this event is 1/4 distance on hatching eggs. Which doesn’t really match up with Eevee at all.
At the same time, the $1 Pokemon GO research isn’t particularly amazing either. Sure, you get an Incubator and a Rocket Radar, but it’s still kinda lame. I suppose at least you are guaranteed one of each Eeveelution? Eh.
As a bonus though, a Community Day weekend not only means more shinies, but more people can play. And that’s always a good thing. Well, it would be, if players weren’t boycotting the game because of changes in Pokestop ranges.
New moves for all of the Eeveelutions
This time round, these Eeveelutions don’t know Last Resort. While Eevee still gets Last Resort for this Community Day, all its eeveelutions actually all new individual moves. Vaporeon gets Scald, Jolteon gets Zap Cannon and Flareon gets Super Power. Espeon gets Shadow Ball while Umbreon gets Psychic. Glaceon gets Water Pulse, Leafeon gets Bullet Seed and Sylveon gets Psyshock.
However, most of these are designed for use in PvP. Coverage moves allow players to be more flexible in the GO Battle League. For PVE, all these Eeveelution moves just don’t really cut it. However, the Eeveelutions do make for budget Pokemon if you’re just starting out or if you need something a bit tankier to round off your team. The Eeveelutions arer also great budget Pokemon for Team Rocket fights, but you don’t need the Community Day moves on them.
Unfortunately, putting two moves on an Eevee is pretty pricey. Despite how common Eevee is these days, it still costs 75k stardust and 75 candy to unlock a second move on any of them.
The fact that the Kanto Eevolutions are all random sucks
To make things a tad easier, the three Eeveelutions that require being buddies were made much easier. For the Community Weekend, Sylveon only needed 7 hearts to evolve, and Umbreon and Espeon just needed to be your buddy and evolved at the correct time of day. Supposedly, the Espeon/Umbreon thing is a bug that’s been left for the event, but Niantic kept it anyway. It’s actually somewhat surprising because Niantic always fixes ‘useful bugs’ as soon as possible.
But the Kanto Pokemon are still random. You only have a 1/3 chance of getting the Pokemon you want. This doubly sucks because Flareon got a pretty good move, but Jolteon and Vaporeon didn’t, and trying to fill your shiny Pokedex with these three is literally down to luck and nothing else.
I really wish they’d do something about this, even just for the Community Day. The name trick only works once ever, but this event would have been a great opportunity to change that. Heck, give us the stones you need in the games, or SOMETHING.
It’s alright, I guess.
At the end of the day though, it’s, well, just Eevee. A Pokemon that has appeared so many times over the years. While I enjoyed being able to take this event really slowly, it was nothing special. There will always be more Eevee events. So don’t feel too bad if you missed this one out.