No Longer Battling for Mastery
When True Master finally became accessible back in 2020, I worked hard to reach it. After all, the title of True Master was what I had been aiming for, for ages. The ultimate rank, above everything else. Attaining True Master wasn’t always a dream. Heck, I never thought I’d go past MR18, having unlocked the entirety of Warframe when it came to mastery. But here I am, sitting at not just True Master, but Legendary 1. A whole extra level AFTER becoming True Master. And I still have plenty of new gear to level up.
It’s not going to stop.
You’d think that things would slow down after True Master became available. Nope, the mastery train raced onwards. The result being that we got Mastery Rank 31 pretty damn quickly. And now we’re already on our way to Legendary 2. Which may or may not have the same test as MR2. But Warframe has kinda been pumping a lot of content recently. Not so much gameplay-wise though. We’ve been having a small trickle of content, just enough to keep us going.
In fact, we’re already slowly creeping towards Legendary 2. We have some big events coming up this year, so of course we’re going to get new weapons, Warframes and companions to go with them.
I’m getting off the mastery train.
As for me though? I’ve had enough. I could spend ages chasing things down, like the Ambassador and the myriad of new 5-forma weapons. But I feel like all I’ve been doing for ages is mastery weapons. And because I was always chasing for new Mastery, it meant I wasn’t using weapons that I already had. It’s been like 3 weeks now where I’ve been using 1-2 Kuva/Tenet weapons and a single melee weapon to deal damage with. That sort of thing gets boring, fast. Even with the affinity weekends we’ve been getting.
Doesn’t help that obtaining things like the Ambassador is completely random. Many of the new drops are in pretty hard-to-reach places. Just let me buy a blueprint and spend resources on it like we used to. Now everything seems more convoluted than ever.

Will I ever get back on?
Most likely, yes. But not for a while. I’m quite happy with being MR31, and I have no desire to grind out the Tenet weapons that cost 5 Forma each. That’s a lot of forma for weapons I’m not even sure I like. With the upcoming changes to how Forma work, maybe I’ll finally start forma-ing Warframes instead of Kuva or Tenet weapons.
Of course, I’ll be certainly back for the New War, but, despite a final 2021 release date, I don’t have amazing expectations. At the very least, we’ll probably get some cool weapon out of it, same way we did with the War Within and the Second Dream. There will be plenty of new weapons that are both easier to master and also easier to obtain.
As for chasing Mastery though? I don’t want to do that any more. I’ll passively make my way up to Legendary 2 and beyond in my own time. For now though, I’m just gonna have some fun as a Volt with an Ignis and a Kuva Bramma, blowing shit up and setting things on fire. Might even grab one of my many Cernoses and have fun with those too.
For now though, I’m just going to have some fun being myself. And running a normal Volt in high level missions for the sake of it.