What to Prioritize for December’s Community Day Event
Every December in Pokemon GO, the monthly Community Day is different. Rather than having nothing but one Pokemon spawning, December Community Days recap what we had during the years. For December, we get an entire year’s worth of Community Day Pokemon, allowing you to grab shinies and moves you may have missed.
However, this year, there is a LOT of stuff going on in Pokemon GO. Thanks to the Eevee-lutions, there are way more limited community day moves, compared to previous years. And with so much going on, it’s easy to lose track. Here are some things you should prioritize for December 2021 Community Day Weekend.
Prioritize Saturday over Sunday
There are technically 2 Community Days in December – Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th. However, the better Pokemon are all appearing on the Saturday. Machop, Gible and Roselia are all great Pokemon for both PvP and PvE content, while Swablu is amazing for PvP and being a Dragon Mega Evolution. If you can only play one of the two days, I’d pick Saturday over Sunday by a long shot.

It is however worth mentioning that Incense will spawn ALL 11 Community Day Pokemon. So if you miss the Saturday, there is a small chance that you can still get the Saturday Pokemon on Sunday’s incense.
Gible is the big one
No matter what, it is worth prioritizing Gible. Garchomp is a great Pokemon with strong moves and good typing. On top of that, Garchomp’s community day move, Earth Power, is genuinely great on Garchomp. This means that Garchomp can be used as both a ground type and a dragon type, without losing any of its power.
And even if you have tons of Garchomps and candy, this is a great chance to work on the Platinum Dragon Badge. The +4 capture bonus of platinum badges is very useful overall.
Get XL Candy for Machamp, Roserade and Garchomp
XL candy is also something to watch out for. Not only are we getting more candies for Garchomp, but Machamp and Roserade are both very useful Pokemon that are definitely very useful past level 40. Sure, they are both normally much more common than the Gible line. But you should grab them while you can.
As a side note, if you are using Machamp and Roselia for PvE stuff, their community day moves can be skipped. Rock Slide is a great cover move, compared to Payback.
On the flip side, it’s always worth catching Fletchling and Swablu as well. Both are very competitive in PvP, but aren’t particularly useful in PvE.
Evolve a Rhydon into a Rhyperior!
By far, my biggest recommendation is to evolve a Rhyperior. While the 2020 Community Day Pokemon are restricted to eggs and raids, it’s still important to catch a few. More importantly though, you NEED to get a Rhyperior with Rock Wrecker. It’s such a strong Pokemon, despite its looks. While a double weakness to water is bad, Rhyperior comes in insanely useful in raids and counters a TON of Legendary raids. It is also a tank in Team Rocket fights and easily solo’s Candela’s training teams.
Honestly, you could skip this entire Community Day weekend, as long as you get yourself a Garchomp and a Rhyperior or three.
Also, finally, don’t forget to have fun!
Oh yeaaaaaah, I forgot that this event is supposed to be fun. Well, it definitely will be! Let’s just hope that the weather holds up…