4 things to do when you have done almost everything in Warframe

I have a lot of time in Warframe, but lately, I haven’t been doing much. Sure, I played the New War and some bounties, but honestly, there isn’t too much going on. At the same time, I like to keep one eye on Warframe, and it’s still my preferred game when it comes to mindless slaughter. Even then though, it’s nice to have some side objectives to do between mindless slaughter sessions.

Here are my favourite things to do when I don’t fancy doing anything else, but still want to be vaguely productive.

Open relics

There’s nothing better than running a fast Exterminate or Capture mission, while opening relics. It’s a quick, mindless task that is easily repeatable. Even if you’re just opening standard Lith relics, you’re still getting something out of it. After all, we always need more Ducats, and Baro Ki’Teer pops by every two weeks. Sometimes you might even get a rare item out of it.

Survival missions are also fun. Even with random people, you know you’re going to get something nice, so you can lean back and enjoy the murdering.

Go fishing

On the other hand, sometimes you want to do something peaceful for a change. While yes, some enemies will constantly try and murder you, fishing can be a calming exercise. Fishing, particularly on Cetus, is particularly useful since you can trade fish in for standing. While not everyone has the time or patience to fish for Glappids, the Murkray spawns in any time of day and can be sold to Cetus very easily. In fact, fishing is how I originally climbed through Cetus’s standing.

Fishing in the Orb Vallis is also a good idea, if you can find a quiet cave. Out in the open, Corpus patrols will interrupt. And just… don’t bother with fishing on Deimos. Unless you have Ivara or another stealth frame, Deimos has so many enemies popping up that it’s no fun.

Dojo Decorating

Okay, to be fair, a lot of people can’t do this one. I can decorate my dojo because I have the Architect rank. (I also have the Founding Warlord rank of my clan, but that’s a story for another time.) Architects can place decorations and move stuff around. In fact, dojo decorating is a big thing in some of Warframe’s circles. Using nothing but random assets picked out from the rest of the game, people make absolutely huge scenes with Dojos.

But you don’t need to make a massive spectacle. There are lots of props to play with, as well as plenty of basic decorations. Just putting a few bits and pieces in your dojo’s spawn room is always a nice, simple way to garner a bit of interest.

Do all the above with a newbie or two.

These are all little things that greatly help a newbie player. Yes, even dojo decorating. Sure, the newbie won’t be doing much decorating themselves, but they can at least see what’s going on. Hopefully, a newbie will also learn about the various labs that dojos have, for researching new gear. If they’re a member of your clan, even better.

Fishing and relics are also great for newbies. At the very least, fishing with a newbie can get them some nice standing for both Cetus and Fortuna. And you can never go wrong when it comes to relics. All relics are useful and usable. Even if you do just get Forma blueprints.

Either way, you can always go and get more relics…


Medic, also known as Arkay, the resident god of death in a local pocket dimension, is the chief editor and main writer of the Daily SPUF, producing most of this site's articles and keeping the website daily.

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