Good Riddance, 2021!

Today is New Year’s Eve, and I’m feeling rather nostalgic. We had a great Christmas and everything went very well. Since it’s the end of the year, I feel like it’s time for… well, not a recap, but a ramble through 2021. A year that somehow breezed past. Seriously, this year felt short. Things happened but everything just feels… mangled up, I guess? A transformative year. For me personally, this year has been all over the damn place. Spent a good chunk of the year feeling depressed and anxious, but now I am actually trying to fix stuff. The angry… [Continue Reading]

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On Not Understanding People

The other day, I went for my booster shot for the Coronavirus vaccine. I had timed the trip to coincide with a doctor’s appointment, to avoid needing to go to the doctors twice. However, as soon as I got there, I realized I may have made a mistake. There was a massive queue to get into the outpatients area. A mixture of people with appointments, people getting their third doses in the walk-in vaccination area. Some, like myself, had non-Covid reasons to be waiting to go inside. What made everything worse though was people trying to get in, not queuing… [Continue Reading]

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A Weapon of the New War

I love bows. When I played Skyrim, before even really trying swords, I had an eye open for any bows lying around. Whenever I played Destiny 2, I looked for combat bows, because I found them fun. And in Warframe, there are many, many bows that I like. Even aabicus has a way of making use of bows! In my silly little head, using a bow and arrows is the best way to stab someone who is far away. Or they are the best way to blow up someone who is far away. Simply put, bows are fun. And, when… [Continue Reading]

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A Lotus of Many Colours

This article contains spoilers from the New War quest. I really recommend playing the quest by yourself, before reading any further. If you are happy to (or want to) see spoilers, then come on right in! SPOILERS START HERE The image just above is an old image. It’s from a very short quest in Warframe, where Ballas takes the Lotus away, leaving the player with just her helmet. The time stamp on that image reads from 2017. So we are looking at a very long gap from then until now. During that time, the Lotus was simulated by Ordis, so… [Continue Reading]

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My Favourite Shiny Pokemon

Shiny Pokemon are cool. In the main games, a shiny is a stupidly rare thing to find, but you do have some control over it, by breeding and completing the Pokedex. In Pokemon GO however, there’s nothing you can do to increase or decrease shiny encounters. Whether you catch a shiny or not, it is 100% RNG and good luck. That being said, I’ve caught quite a few shiny Pokemon over the years. There are still a lot of shinies that I don’t have or haven’t been released yet. So, for today’s article, I’ll be sticking to shiny Pokemon I… [Continue Reading]

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How I’d Design My own Warframe

It’s pretty clear that I have a few Warframes that I use way more than other. Volt is my jack-of-all-trades Warframe. Khora is my defensive Warframe. Ivara on the other hand does bits and pieces, like fishing and Spy missions. However, none of these Warframes are perfect. Volt is very close to being perfect, but he’s not quite there. So, in today’s article, I’m going to design my own Warframe. The Rules Before I start though, I want to put down some rules. I could just say that my perfect Warframe has 5 abilities and all of them nuke maps… [Continue Reading]

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A Christmas Article for 2021

Merry Smissmas! Hiya, everyone! Happy holidays from us at the Daily SPUF! It’s December 25th, 2021 and the plan is to enjoy ourselves. Time for a bit of fun, I’d say! There are gifts to be opened, rich food to be eaten and many a stomach pain from eating way, way too much. Or, at least, that’s how it is for me. Of course, everyone is different. While I’ll be busy cooking things, other people will be busy drinking or eating or opening gifts. There’s also people who simply don’t celebrate a holiday at this time of year, and I… [Continue Reading]

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A Tiny Art Group

I’ve always been a bit of an arty person. For years, I have been drawing and writing and creating my own things. When people see my art, they always say it’s great. Even if I hate the final result myself. Frankly, I have very little self-confidence when it comes to my art and being praised. Heck, that’s the reason why I call myself an arty person rather than straight out calling myself an artist, it’s a lack of self-confidence. The Tiny Art Group The Tiny Art Group (not its actual name) is a very simple thing, hosted by a kindly… [Continue Reading]

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A Good Launch for a New War

Alright, folks, today’s article is a little bit weird. While I will be discussing more about the New War’s contents in other articles, I actually have something very specific in mind. Today, I want to talk about how relatively good the launch was for New War. It’s actually quite interesting to me. Editor’s note: Before we start, this is just one experience. Other players may experience things differently. Weirdly Smooth For me, personally, the whole launch was weirdly smooth. While my launcher did get stuck at 99% for a bit, that was honestly the only hitch I had in a… [Continue Reading]

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A Volt Deluxe Skin! Yay!

It finally happened! After all these years! My beloved Volt has received a deluxe skin that actually looks like a deluxe skin! Alongside the New War update, we got two new deluxe skins, for Volt and Mesa. The theme for them both is Sentient in design, and they represent how the Warframes would look like, if Sentients had made them. Kinda like failed experiments on the path to creating Caliban, the actually Sentient Warframe. For both Warframes, this is actually a second deluxe skin for them. They both already have deluxe skins, but the first deluxe skins didn’t sit well… [Continue Reading]

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