What was Ballas’s Plan Anyway?
I know I’ve rambled a lot about the New War lately. Little things about it just randomly crop up and I feel I have to write them down. However, I have stumbled across something that leaves me completely clueless. All these crazy things happened, we had a massive war that lasted a hot minute and it all ended up leaving Ballas at the top. But even with Ballas and the Narmer, that didn’t seem like the end of Ballas’s plan. None of it makes sense.
So what WAS Ballas’s final plan?
Spoilers ahead, just letting you know

At first, I thought Ballas’s plan was simple. The Lotus was based on Ballas’s hot wife, who had been executed by other Orokin for being a traitor or something. I assumed Ballas just wanted to get his dead wife back, and the Lotus was the only thing really left of Margulis. So, Ballas being Ballas, he wanders up to our Lotus, does some stupid Orokin magic stuff and stole our Space Mom, right in front of us.
Something worked. Lotus stopped calling herself Lotus and returned to being Natah. The next time we see anything from them is in the Sacrifice. We rarely see massive Sentient energy in the wild, but we do see Ballas and Obviously-Natah-Right-From-The-Start. They make Excalibur Umbra explode into pieces and then try and save him. However, during this quest, we also find out that Ballas was working with the Sentients. Ballas’s plan wasn’t just to get his hot wife back, it was also a revenge plan against the rest of the Orokin.
However, clearly, Ballas’s plan goes wrong, and Tenno and Warframe unite to stab Ballas together. This triggers Natah to grab Ballas and take him to safety.
During this time, I don’t know what to think. On the one hand, Ballas being made half-Sentient is weird and he seems imprisoned. But on the other hand, it seems like Ballas is pretty much free to do as he wants. Erra, Natah’s brother, is seen holding Ballas on a leash, but there is very little actual leashing going on. Ballas is just as free as Erra is.
How did we go from being a prisoner to running the New War?
When the New War actually starts though? Ballas is in full control of everything. Erra is serving him, as are the rest of the Sentients, it seems. It also seems that Ballas’s plan is back on track, and his plan is actually working. If Ballas’s plan was to take over the entire solar system and make everyone love him, Ballas did that with ease. In fact, he did it so quickly that the New War was finished almost as soon as it began.
Using Orokin technology, Ballas created an entire cult of people, all mind-warped into believing that Ballas was their savior. If you didn’t want to wear the magic goggles, you were forced to, or had to hide away.
Now, from a bad guy perspective, this does seem like Ballas’s plan and it’s all working. Almost EVERYONE worships Ballas now and there’s pretty much no one able to stop him, until Drifter comes along. However, at some point, Ballas… kinda returned to his original plan, that he wanted Natah back. Not only does this derail Ballas’s plan yet again but it does something else: it starts a new plan. Ballas goes into full “I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!” mode and attempts to kill the sun.
Why? Because Ballas can’t have Margulis. And because he can’t have Margulis, Ballas wants to destroy everything in the solar system and then go back to the Tau system so he can start again from scratch. Either way, Ballas’s horny teenage-like ways spell doom for him, as Natah sucks the life out of Ballas and returns to her Lotus-y ways. I’m pretty sure that the kiss of death was not part of Ballas’s plan.
I don’t think Ballas actually planned any of this
He can’t have. Yeah, sure, the Orokin leaders are all very smart beings, but there’s no way that Ballas planned all of this. Especially the getting-stabbed-by-Umbra part. At some point, he had to have been improvising all along. But there’s no real way that Ballas could have properly planned all of this. If he had, there are so many little inconsistencies in doing so. Some of his plans make sense, some don’t. However, even when Ballas’s plans DID work, he just never seemed… satisfied.
The sad thing is that Ballas could have had Margulis back, if he hadn’t been such a cunt. And rather than trying to save her, Ballas stepped to one side and let Margulis be executed. It was all his fault, but Ballas never saw past his own ego to realize that.
Oh well. The fucker is dead now. Good riddance.
So I replayed the prelude to war cutscenes before and after the New War and Ballas from The Maker is not the same as Ballas from The New War. They have noticably different legs. Make of this what you will.