Medic Plays A Real Pokemon Game for the First Time – Part 9
Last time I was here, I was avoiding Hop before reaching the next gym. I went off to catch some more Pokemon. After a semi-useful catching spree, I decide to go back and fight Hop. And, just like last time, I beat him with ease. To his credit though, he made one of my Pokemon faint.
This is also the first time I saw a new Pokemon that had an entire fucking Pikachu trapped in its mouth. Gross.
Anyway, with Hop out of the way, I can properly visit the gym here. It’s a ghost type gym, which would normally be a bad thing. But lucky for me, I properly prepared for this. I caught a Sneasel and a Vullaby, and I gave a dark move to Grohl the Rillaboom. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that my starter is now fully evolved. And Grohl was very much ready for the battles ahead. I’ve also managed to evolve a Salandit into a Salazzle. Harem (the Salazzle’s name) has actually been doing some pretty good work as well, to the point that she and Grohl are nearly the same level.

However, Fire and Poison were not what I needed for the Ghost gym. I spent a good time running around trying to find some more dark types. I see no reason to use a ghost type when ghosts are super effective against each other and I wasn’t really sure on the dark types I had already collected. Eventually though, I just decided to do the darn battle.
So yeah, the Ghost gym requires that we do a challenge first, and this one was a piece of piss compared to the other gyms. You basically play a game of pinball but you fall downwards, spinning to change directions. I found this incredibly easy. Between each board, you fight a gym trainer before continuing. It may have been easy but it was definitely fun.

The battle itself was actually pretty easy too, even if the Ghost gym leader Allister wears a creepy outfit with pitch black eyes. It honestly was so easy that Grohl’s Brutal Swing did most of the work for me. The only worry was the Dynamax Gengar, which looks terrifying. But even that fell after a Brutal Swing and some help from Sneasel. And so I end up with another gym badge.

What surprises me the most though is that, as soon as I step outside, I am met by Sonia, who is still doing history and science-y things with her Yamper. She asks me if I have seen the mural and we hear a loud crashing sound. So we both run up to where the massive stone mural is, and there’s Bede of all people, using a massive elephant to try and break the mural. And of course he challenges me to yet another fight. And of course I beat him again. Kinda repetitive, if I’m honest.
Just as I finish kicking Bede’s ass yet again, Rose and his assistant suddenly appear, having been wanting to talk to me and Sonia. Bede tries to explain himself, but Rose isn’t having it. After all, Bede IS trying to destroy an ancient mural with a Pokemon he borrowed from Rose himself and it’s pretty damning. To my surprise though, Rose actually punishes Bede by revoking his challenger status. Bede leaves, and so do Rose and his assistant.

Now it’s just me and Sonia. Sonia mentions how Rose raised Bede as a kid, but before she goes into detail, the mural completely falls apart and reveals a massive statue of two kings and two Pokemon, holding a sword and shield. Sonia recalls some stuff, particularly the mural they saw, and realizes it’s all connected. The sword and shield were two Pokemon. Or something like that.
But before we can find out more, Sonia gives me some revives then rushes off to do some more learning. As for me? I need to head to the next down and fight another gym leader. A… fairy type leader…
I’m really not looking forward to this one…
Part 0
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9 <- You are here
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21