What Aftermath?

Yes, I know I’ve been writing a lot about the New War, but there is so much to unpack. After all, it is a long quest that takes at least 4-5 hours to finish. Today’s article though features the aftermath of the New War. Or rather, a lack of one. Warning, mild spoilers ahead! Turn back now if you don’t wish to be spoiled. Something is bothering me when it comes to the New War. Despite all the carnage and distraction, the latest quest’s completion feels like, well, not amazing. For a quest where the whole solar system gets taken… [Continue Reading]

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The Orb Vallis is Probably a Bit Too Hard for Newbies

Fortuna and the Orb Vallis are currently where the action is at. That’s where all the big, new shiny things are right now. Garuda was there, Baruuk and the Profit-Taker Orb are there and now Hildryn, an Operation, a second Orb and a mystery are all out there on the Orb Vallis. But the Orb Vallis is a very hard place to visit if you’re a newbie. The Orb Vallis isn’t hard the way the Plains of Eidolon are. If you’re a newbie visiting the Plains, as long as you stay near the main entrance to Cetus, the enemies remain… [Continue Reading]

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A Walk Around Cetus

After a long night of trying to obtain the mod Augur Secrets, which gives +24% power strength and is worth about 100 platinum, I wandered around Cetus chatting with a nice Atlas who I’d gone doing bounties with. We chatted about all sorts of things, starting with our bad luck when it came to running bounties and getting rare items, going onto things like Zaws and weapons we like. We were mostly idling, him idling outside the massive Orokin gate to the Plains, me idling on top of one of the houses like one does. Then we met up and… [Continue Reading]

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