Team Fortress 2 now has Real Competitive Rankings

Out of the blue, a wild Team Fortress 2 update has appeared! A Team Fortress 2 update that actually has some substance, that is more than just the release of a new cosmetic set. Okay, that was still a big part of the update, and ironically the new collection is called the Blue Moon Case, but still, we got changes! Balance ones! The biggest thing though is the change to the competitive system. The much needed changes. The changes we should have had ages ago. Before the update, everyone, from b4nny to a guy who literally just started the game… [Continue Reading]

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Meet your Match update – Called it.

I fucking called it. See, I said it in this article. Unless the ‘Neato’ update comes in the middle of next week (which, knowing my luck, it will), all of next week’s articles will be a bit different in some way. Anyway, yes, competitive has been released, unranked gameplay is no longer the casual slogfest it used to be and copies Overwatch and every other matchmaking system, at least on Valve servers, Pass Time is out of beta and OMG WHAT THE FUCK THEY FINALLY MADE SUNSHINE OFFICIAL OMG FUCKING FINALLY. There’s also Metalworks and Swiftwater, two major competitive maps… [Continue Reading]

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A Match-Made Future?

You’ll probably have noticed that, while the rest of the TF2 community is going mad for matchmaking, here at the Daily SPUF, we’ve been rather quiet about it. Really, we should have been all over competitive matchmaking like a rash, what with being a TF2 blog and all, but there’s reasons why we’ve not been that keen, the main reason being that not a whole lot is actually going on with the beta. Yes, I know, we’ve had patch notes every few days. Which is a good thing because some bugs are being fixed. But there’s no actual changes. The… [Continue Reading]

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Confusion’s 4vs4 reflection

I have quite enjoyed reading Medic’s detailed reports about our team’s exploits on the new frontier known as 4vs4, and now the season has conceded for us, I believe now would be an excellent time to write a post about some of it. What have we learned? Silliness is a valid tactic Act bold and audacious, but don’t depend completely on luck. We saw a lot of different weapons and tactics being used; Engies, Phlogs, Demoknights, simultaneous Sniper and Spies… Situational tactics are very useful… in the right hands. A lot of the better teams (on steel at least) have a… [Continue Reading]

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