Wolfenstein 3D: Does it Hold Up?

At the start of the pandemic, I finally learned why Doom is such a historically well-regarded game. After that, I moved forward and played Quake to see where the developers went from there. Now, my friend Ryo gifted me Wolfenstein 3D for Christmas, letting me experience where it truly all began. 90s Gaming At Its Height Wolfenstein 3D is one of the earliest first-person shooters, widely considered the game that popularized the genre. Everything about the experience is visceral and unashamed; your enemies are blatant Nazis who explode into puddles of gore when they die. Swastikas and portraits of Hitler litter the… [Continue Reading]

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Doom 64: Is it Worth Playing?

I’ve been craving more Doom since finally experiencing the original two games earlier this year. So imagine my surprise when I learned there’s a followup game that largely passed under the gaming community’s radar when it first came out. Having now blasted my way through the true third game in the classic Doom canon, I can comfortably say any Doom fans who haven’t tried Doom 64 should immediately grab it. It’s only $5 and it’s a really worthwhile experience. A New Experience. I didn’t play this as a kid, didn’t have an N64, so the 2020 Steam port is my… [Continue Reading]

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A Moment of Silence for Doom’s Assault Rifle

Team Fortress 2 isn’t the only game that gave assault rifles the boot. The original Doom has one of the most iconic FPS rosters in history, but is surprisingly lacking the most famous generalist weapon of all time. Yet did you know it wasn’t always that way? Today I wanted to spend an article discussing the sordid history of the unluckiest weapon in the world’s most famous shooter. The Early Alpha Doom‘s assault rifle was there from the beginning, the very first and only weapon available in the early alphas released to the public (once the Wolfenstein 3D sprites were… [Continue Reading]

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The Original Doom: Does it Hold Up?

Since Team Fortress Classic was my first-ever multiplayer game, I’d actually never played the original Doom. Doom took the entire gaming industry by storm and forever changed the future of shooters. But thanks to the never-ending quarantine, plus getting addicted to speedrunning videos like the ones on Karl Jobst’s YouTube channel, I finally purchased and played through Doom and Doom II. While I know I’m not breaking any new ground with this incredibly-hot take, I think they may be two of the greatest games I’ve ever played. Still Badass It was truly eye-opening to go back and see these two seminal… [Continue Reading]

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