Pokemon GO’s Useful Tag System That I Don’t Use

The ability to better organize Pokemon has been a much-requested feature in Pokemon GO. With no such thing as boxes or PCs, your Pokemon are displayed in one big list. While this works fine with small groups of Pokemon, when you have over 1000 Pokemon available, things get iffy. A top-range phone can deal with this fine, but older phones can experience slowdown. Just scrolling through your Pokemon can be a little too tedious. Luckily, last year, we got some QOL features to help with organization. Some of these are more useful than others. There’s two features I want to… [Continue Reading]

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The Wonders of Captura

Warframe is a particularly nice game to look at. It’s bright and shiny, yet even on low settings, it still looks really nice. The game’s actually optimized pretty well too, even when on high settings, because of the way it loads each environment. As the majority of rooms are basically individual tiles, connected with smaller individual tiles, the game unloads each one once you’ve passed through it so it can load the next one. This makes Warframe particularly efficient and allows it to run even when on a toaster of a computer. When you turn everything up to maximum though,… [Continue Reading]

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League of Legends needs a Sandbox. But we’re not getting one.

On August 5th, Riot games announced that they won’t ever be making a sandbox mode in which you can test various aspects of League of Legends. Which is a very stupid thing to say. Much of the community, not to mention many of us Champions, are up in arms about it. A sandbox has been one of the most requested features that players have been asking for for years (after a replay feature, which is also not happening). But while we were given a somewhat suitable explanation as to why, their reasoning for not wanting to build a sandbox was insulting.… [Continue Reading]

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