A Long List of Little Things I Want In: Elder Scrolls 6

It’s been ages since I last played Skyrim. But the fact that Skyrim is being revamped into a new addition yet again is weird. How many different versions of Skyrim do we need? Clearly more of them. In the mean time though, when it comes to the next Elder Scrolls game, we’re still pretty clueless. We know the game will be set in Hammerfell, but that’s pretty much it. In the mean time though, there are lots of things I would like to see in the Elder Scrolls VI. Here is a small sample of them. Better Followers. Followers in… [Continue Reading]

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Followers in various video games

Most games with a story, whether they are single player or multiplayer, have a habit of dragging someone with you for a while. How games do this, well it varies greatly, so I’m going to talk about the few games I’ve placed recently. Sometimes, followers, companions, whatever you want to call them, are bloody awful. Sometimes you forget they’re there. Often the game developers want you to have some sort of attachment to the morons you generally have following you around. One of my favourite examples of a follower done right is that of the security guards and scientists in… [Continue Reading]

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