A Long List of Little Things I Want In: Elder Scrolls 6

It’s been ages since I last played Skyrim. But the fact that Skyrim is being revamped into a new addition yet again is weird. How many different versions of Skyrim do we need? Clearly more of them. In the mean time though, when it comes to the next Elder Scrolls game, we’re still pretty clueless. We know the game will be set in Hammerfell, but that’s pretty much it. In the mean time though, there are lots of things I would like to see in the Elder Scrolls VI. Here is a small sample of them. Better Followers. Followers in… [Continue Reading]

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Is it Bad That Primed Warframes are Easier To Get Than Normal Frames?

As of writing, the latest Warframe is Inaros Prime, a golden upgrade to the infamous health tank that is normal Inaros. Inaros’s acquisition is quite simple: you buy a blueprint from Baro Ki’Teer and do a quest, which hands you Inaros parts at the end. The Sands of Inaros quest isn’t very difficult, nor is it very long. But it is a pretty nice quest with some nice side-lore. Inaros Prime on the other hand, you can just get him by opening relics. Like every other Prime, his parts appear in specific relics. So you farm up the relics and… [Continue Reading]

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What the Fuck is Warframe’s Lore Anyway? Warframe Lore 2: Lore Harder

Warframe’s lore is fucked up. It’s insane. No one knows what’s going on, everything is dead or dying or desperate. Everything sucks. And most of this lore comes from little tidbits and past events you may or may not have missed. But what the fuck IS Warframe’s lore anyway? This article should cover most of it. Consider it an updated version of this angry rant. Yeah there’s a story in Warframe. It’s a thing. It’s a weird, confusing, messed up thing. Pretty dark as well. You don’t actually see what’s going on 99% of the time, you’re just sitting on… [Continue Reading]

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