A Story About My Uncle

After playing Just Cause 2, I had a bit of a grappling hook addiction. It was ended by Mannpower Mode in TF2, but before that I was still looking for games to scratch that grappling hook itch. I can’t remembered how I first came across this game. I got it as a gift from my IRL friend for Christmas (I think, it’s been some time), and I spent a fair bit of time playing around when I got it. Recently, I saw it again while looking through my Steam library for something to play (I know I know, first world… [Continue Reading]

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Holy Grappling Hook, Fatman!

So, Smissmas came and went, and in my honest opinion, I thought it was a bit of a disappointment, to put it politely. The new weapons were meh, the Festive weapons(aside from Bonk and Shotgun) sucked and we only got 7 of them, most of the cosmetics weren’t really that interesting, and they nerfed the Tide Turner. Say what you want about End of the Line, but at least it didn’t ruin a well-established weapon. Oh, and we also got Mannpower, perhaps the most casual gamemode in existence despite nocrits. The powerups are so overpowered it’s ridiculous, not to mention… [Continue Reading]

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