Things I Watch When I’m Sad

Life is full of ups and downs, and when you’re on a down, you need something to bring you up. For me, that often involves watching videos on Youtube and other video services. Here are the sort of things I watch when I’m feeling sad. I’ve mentioned most of this stuff before, but I feel like these things are worth repeating, because the world these days is so depressing. Dog grooming videos I don’t know why I watch pet grooming videos in particular, but they almost always have happy endings. Even videos with massively matted dogs end up with a… [Continue Reading]

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Gift Tips

It’s that time of year where a bunch of people go out and buy each other gifts to celebrate a gigantic mishmash of religious traditions all rolled up into one and loosely related to the birth of some kid 2000 years ago. Of course, as people get older and technology gets better, the circle of people we end up getting gifts for has gotten larger and larger. Looking at you, all you online friends! So, here’s a bunch of ideas to make people happy. Why am I doing this early? Well, you’re going to want to get this stuff ready… [Continue Reading]

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