A Vaguely Festive Article

Ugh. Normally I’m someone who loves the festive break. It’s always so much fun. The family gets together. We have presents. Tons of food is made and then eaten. It’s the festive season, that one chance to actually unwind for a bit and, hopefully, have plenty of time off work. No work, combined with gifts and good food, a pretty good combination for most people. Even if you’re not religious, there’s at least something to enjoy. Well, aside from Christmas music on loop in stores. I’m all for Christmas spirit, but I want to murder people after the first time… [Continue Reading]

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A Cheesy Christmas Story

Medic sat on the old leather sofa, not sure what to do with himself. It was one in the morning, so technically it was Christmas Day, but nothing felt particularly Christmas-y. The rain was pissing down outside, none of the lights were on and everyone else was asleep. Normally it was Medic who would sleep through the storms and awful weather, but something was bothering Medic and he couldn’t put a finger on it. A flash of lightning scarred the sky and was immediately followed by a crack of thunder. For a moment, everything was as bright as day, only… [Continue Reading]

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Seven Stories for Smissmas

Ah, alliteration, don’t you love it? Well I do. There’s something nice about how words all starting with the same letter roll off the tongue. Like poetry but nicer and simpler. And potentially less posh and snobby. What’s better than alliteration though? Stories. Well, not always, it depends on the story. A bad fan fiction about two characters who would normally hate each other somehow ending up screwing is always going to be horrible. And speaking of horrible, the holiday season just isn’t the right time for scary stories. No, I did that for Halloween. Actually, I did that twice.… [Continue Reading]

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Happy Jump Day!

For the last four years September 16th has been Jump Day, a somber holiday where the denizens of SPUF honor the 8-clip Sticky Jumper which was cruelly nerfed on September 16th, 2013. (Last year even reddit got involved!) We will never forget our fallen comrade. A weapon of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; it hath carried me through the sky a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is. A harmless weapon that once stood proudly among the few Demoman unlocks, a weapon that has seen its abilities gutted slowly but surely, a weapon whom Valve later updated… [Continue Reading]

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The 25th, 2016

It’s that time of year again. A large number of people are hopefully stuffing their faces with food, or opening presents. There may be snow falling on the Daily SPUF, but across the planet, even in summer-time Australia, there’s people celebrating Christmas. Most people like Christmas, if only because it’s a day off work and you can eat whatever you want and no one will judge you. Plus, you get presents, unless you’re a freakish fool like me who doesn’t like receiving gifts. No, seriously, don’t. Christmas is also a time for charity. All over the place, selfless people are… [Continue Reading]

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One of the best games to play when drunk

My brother asked for one thing this Christmas. A second XBOX controller. We had no idea why, but we obliged. He was ever so excited to open his gift. We soon found out why. This time of year is the sort of time where a lot of people get drunk and are in dire need of some form of entertainment to keep them amused before they start fighting one another. Rather ironically, I actually do not drink (not a drop, never ever!) but people in my family do. None of them are mean drunks, but they are sleepy. Then again,… [Continue Reading]

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Gift Tips

It’s that time of year where a bunch of people go out and buy each other gifts to celebrate a gigantic mishmash of religious traditions all rolled up into one and loosely related to the birth of some kid 2000 years ago. Of course, as people get older and technology gets better, the circle of people we end up getting gifts for has gotten larger and larger. Looking at you, all you online friends! So, here’s a bunch of ideas to make people happy. Why am I doing this early? Well, you’re going to want to get this stuff ready… [Continue Reading]

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Merry Smissmas!

Wherever you are in the world, we at the Daily SPUF would like you wish you a very happy holiday, whether you’re celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Smissmas, Australian Christmas, Macromera or any other holiday. Even if you’re not celebrating anything, we hope you have a nice few days. While we’re here, I’d like to thank everyone who has contributed to the Daily SPUF. Thank you aabicus for being you and coming up with it all. Thank you thesupremecommander for hosting the site and not getting any money from advertising. Thank you iGamr for announcing articles on the SPUF thread. Thank you… [Continue Reading]

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SPUF sings It’s Beginning to Look Alot Like Dustbowl

Download the song here. It had been a while since the last community project or contest, SPUF needed something to break up the usual chain of threads, and the holidays were coming up soon. So I thought, why not have SPUFers sing a well known TF2 version of a Christmas song together for fun? And thus, I created the thread for SPUF sings. It was something I’d brought up in an itsurblog thread or two prior, but I only just created it this last November. Of course, the idea wasn’t original at all, the concept was shamelessly ripped from a… [Continue Reading]

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Holiday Shopping: Steam Gifts For All

It’s that time of the year again, and you know what that means! That’s right; unfavorable weather, repetitive songs on the radio, and a solid financial hit just waiting to happen. Let me tell you: I am broke. I’m so broke, I could no longer afford to pay for the moth that used to hang out in my wallet and comically float out every time I opened it to show people just how broke I was. Hell, I had to cut my weekly trip to buy groceries so I could pay for Christmas presents. But through it all, being completely… [Continue Reading]

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