Everything is a Syndicate these days

When Veilbreaker came out, I had a hell of a time playing the very first mission. It had a slow start, but built up in a pretty cool way, eventually ending with exploding ships and help from an unexpected place. The Veilbreaker quest was great, and I do wish that there was more of it. The characters in the Veilbreaker quest were excellent, and it set up quite a strange situation, where we sort of end up helping a quaint little base on Earth. Of course, I’m talking about Kahl. Veilbreaker is all about the plucky Grineer saving and serving… [Continue Reading]

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Initial Thoughts about the New War

On the 15th of September, at about 7:30pm local time, I got a flurry of messages over Discord. The New War, Warframe’s new and biggest quest, was finally here. All we had to do was download it. So I closed Warframe and immediately opened the launcher to start downloading. Surprisingly, for a 5GB update, it went really quickly. But the Launcher itself had changed, playing the same video over and over. An Operator and Natah facing off against each other. Finally, Warframe finished downloading and I could jump into the New War… This article is spoiler-free. However, I heavily recommend… [Continue Reading]

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