Warming Up To Cups

I know what some of you might be thinking. Perhaps, after all these years, Medic here has finally gone insane and is writing complete and utter bollocks. Or, alternatively, you might be asking yourself whether Medic had a vendetta against cups or something. There’s definitely some insanity in here, but it’s not that bad. Or maybe it is, and I’m completely insane. It’s probably the latter. I should probably start explaining. It’s about cooking In this article, I’m talking about using cups as a form of measurement while cooking. Normally, I do one of two things. I either get out… [Continue Reading]

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Initial Thoughts about the New War

On the 15th of September, at about 7:30pm local time, I got a flurry of messages over Discord. The New War, Warframe’s new and biggest quest, was finally here. All we had to do was download it. So I closed Warframe and immediately opened the launcher to start downloading. Surprisingly, for a 5GB update, it went really quickly. But the Launcher itself had changed, playing the same video over and over. An Operator and Natah facing off against each other. Finally, Warframe finished downloading and I could jump into the New War… This article is spoiler-free. However, I heavily recommend… [Continue Reading]

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An Elf, a Dwarf, a Kitsune and Literal Insanity

I’m going to be honest and blunt here, I should have started playing Dungeons and Dragons years ago. Or Pathfinder, which is DnD 3.5 and still very nice. Or just roleplaying table top games like this in general. It’s fun as heck. And, with the right person leading your games, it can all lead to literal insanity. My first character is Rhyn’Go AmWoluff. Rhyn’Go was originally going to be a Catfolk Druid with a cat familiar based on my real life pet cat Ringo, but I just didn’t have the right stats for it. So Rhyn’Go became a Kitsune Druid… [Continue Reading]

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On Building Universes Again

A long time ago (literally nearly two years ago actually!), I wrote about building universes. In that article, I went on about how I had a MK3 universe and all that sort of thing, about some of the characters, things like that. It’s been a while though, so maybe it’s worth talking about what happened in those two years. Well, in those two years, I kinda… I changed my mind. Basically, the more depressed I got (and I was REALLY depressed in February of 2018), the more I was writing about Kinisis wanting to break and change everything. I was… [Continue Reading]

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On Assortedness and AIs

Having nigh non-existent internet makes you ponder about things. It also infuriates you by teasing you with a possible internet connection, only to laugh in your face as it takes five minutes to load DuckDuckGo, and seven minutes to load Google. Loading the Daily SPUF to schedule and write articles has been a painful series of events. Seriously, this is what I have to contend with. A note to all future torturers out there. If you really want to get information from someone, lock them in a room with my bad internet connection. They’ll be begging for release within half… [Continue Reading]

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