15 Minutes of Pokemon GO Adventures

Recently, a new type of incense was added to Pokemon GO. This little blue incense doesn’t last very long, but if you go on a little walk, then you can catch some nice Pokemon. It’s called a Daily Adventure Incense, and it is a neat little addition, especially since you get a free one every day. 15 minutes of luring Pokemon to you. The incense is pretty simple. It spawns a Pokemon a minute, if you are walking or otherwise moving. So you get 15 Pokemon at most, assuming you catch them all. However, I find I mostly just shiny… [Continue Reading]

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The Legendary Birds Returned Yet Again

To finish off the Kanto Celebration, we got a very nice little raid event. On the last day of February, the Legendary Birds returned for 3 hours in 5 star raids. It’s a pretty nice send off for what felt like an endless Kanto event. Back with special moves! Well, I say special moves, I mean the special moves they’ve had for ages. Hurricane for Articuno, Thunder Shock for Zapdos and Sky Attack for Moltres. Zapdos and Moltres’s moves are generally pretty good, but Hurricane is… just alright for Articuno. In fact, these are the special moves these Pokemon received… [Continue Reading]

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