Overwatch Goes to the Moon

Two days ago, everybody got really excited when the Blizzard Twitter account posted a link to this not-so-cryptic page shedding some lore on the Horizon moon base that Winston grew up in. Well, Blizzard didn’t make us wait long before revealing that the clues point to a new map set on this abandoned moon base! I’m super excited to play this. A few people are grumbling about it being a 2CP map (Volskaya and Hanamura being two of the most stalemate-inducing maps in the game), but Jeff took care to mention in his developer update that that focused on making the… [Continue Reading]

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Roadhog Time

As a Lucio main who offclasses Soldier 76, I’m pretty immune to the whole Overwatch concept of “competitive checks and balances”. Both of my mains are stupidly adaptable with self-healing, self-defense, mobility, and easy-to-use firearms rounding out their generalist kits. No matter who I’m fighting on the other team, its rare for any opposing hero choices to really cause me much difficulty beyond forcing me to play passively and maybe preventing me from easily doing my job. And then there’s this mother♥♥♥♥er. Roadhog counters both of my mains so badly that he’s now my tertiary main, for no reason other… [Continue Reading]

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