Five Cool Secondary Weapons You Should Try

Secondary weapons are a very mixed bag in Warframe. Some of them are incredibly mediocre, some of them are insanely powerful. There’s a lot of stuff jumbled in between as well, but there’s only so many dual pistol weapons we can talk about. Today, we’re going to look at five cool secondary weapons you should try. They might not all be ‘meta’ weapons but they all have their own little niches. The Hand Cannon: The Pandero The Pandero is both a semi-automatic revolver-like weapon and a shotgun. I mean, physically, it makes no sense what so ever, since the clip/magazine/whatever… [Continue Reading]

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Why can’t I not use the SMG?

I hate playing Sniper, so thankfully I rarely get the chance to, leaving it up to people who can aim to fill that role. But every so often, once in a blue moon, I’ll pick up Sniper, only to throw him back again. Every time I do play Sniper though, I’m stuck with the same old question. “Why the hell am I still using the SMG?” Well, what are the other options? Everyone’s favourite jar-based karate has been around for a long time. Then there’s Sniper’s various backpack items – the Danger Shield, the Razorback and the Cozy Camper. Oh… [Continue Reading]

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