Purified Pokemon Kinda Suck

With the recent Team Go Rocket event, I think it’s worth discussing purified Pokemon. Team Go Rocket have been capturing Pokemon and forcing them to become more powerful, turning them into shadowy forms of their previous selves. Apparently, this is actually quite painful. It’s so bad that Shadow Pokemon refuse to be traded and refuse to learn anything but Frustration. After all, I’d be pretty frustrated if I’d had my level forcibly raised, forced to fight some random kid and then abandoned. Purification on the other hand is how you save these tortured beings. You sprinkle them with stardust, candy… [Continue Reading]

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Team Rocket Attacks Pokemon Go and the Real World

A new Pokemon Go update has appeared, featuring Team Rocket of all people. Wait, no, not Team Rocket. This lot are called Team GO Rocket, to totally differentiate themselves. Team GO Rocket are attacking Pokestops and stealing the resources from them and it’s up to us to stop them! Actually, the system is pretty cool. You can spot an affected (infected?) Pokestop because it’s darker than most and the cube on top vibrates and glitches out. As you get closer, the Pokestops turn black, a nice red R appears on top and a Team Rocket Go NPC appears and challenges… [Continue Reading]

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